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(if you are revisiting this chapter, read the author's note)

A/N: Love me all you want Now!


Ps: Someone had a rough day, yesterday. So, this ones for you hun. 😘 I hope you are doing well now.


Hey Brain! Stop banging my head so hard!

Hey! That was actually a cool pun.

But for real, why the fuck is my head banging so much?

Wait... The last time I remember, I was going to check on Valentino since he messaged me to come get him..

"I see the prince has finally woken up!" My thoughts were broken by the sudden gruff voice. That's when I notice my surroundings.

It a very dim lit room, or more like a dungeon. I'm currently tied to a wooden chair with ropes on my hands, behind the chair. I have a fucking sore neck now.


How long have I been out for? Where the fuck I'm I?

"I'll inform the boss." I man says and walks away.

"Who the fuck are you and who the fuck is your boss?" I shout but only the walls hear me. I slump back on the uncomfortable chair and my thoughts cloud my mind.

Is Valentino okay?

Are everyone back home alright?

Who the hell is this guy!

"Welcome my boy!" I hear an unfamiliar voice as the door opens, light seeping into the room in a large amount through the open door. "You've been out for more than 24 hours. You got me worried." The man spoke as he flicked something.

My eyes go blind before I adjust to the light in the room. My eyes widened internally as I see the man in front of me.

He had Black hair and green eyes, good built and height.

I should have known.

"You fucker!" I shout at him, jerking from the chair, only to be restrained with the ropes. "Get me out of these ropes you tiny wiener." I seethe at him, only for him to slap me with the back of his hand.

He can't even beat me like a man!

"Now," he holds me by my jaw, harshly. "That isn't the way to speak to your Father, is it?" He asked with a sick smile.

"Huh!" I snorted. "Father? My dad is Nickolai Sergio Russo! The Italian Don! And I'm his heir!" I shout back at him, only for his smile to go even wider.

"Looks like Nickolai didn't have time to tell you bedtime stories. Why don't I do that for you? I'm your father afterall." He said and signalled someone and they got a chair for him. He places it in front of me and sits. "Son-," I cut him off

"Im not-," he cuts me off, with another slap, but my face stayed in its place.

Ha! Take that, Bitch!

"Your mother and I-, My bad, I'm your father, Peter Andrews by the way." He said holding out his hand.

Does he have Amnesia or something?

"Sorry, but we can't untie you so soon, son. So," he leans back into his chair. "Naomi and-," I cut him of this time.

"Don't you fucking take my mom's name from that filthy mouth of yours!" I shout at him.

"We'll talk the whole day once I'm done, and I don't want any more interruptions." He says with a smile and then puts a gag on my mouth."so, as I was telling, son. Your mother and I were so much in love during our university years, we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves even for a minute," he then leans towards me. "Especially your mom." He say with a wink.


Dad! Please come get me! I can't hear stories about my mom having sex anymore!

"Until that night, your mom and I had broken up the previous day and her whore of a friend hosted a party in her club house, where she met that fucker, Nickolai." He said dad's name with sommuch rage. "Your naïve mother went to him and told him she was pregnant with you, and he.... He accepted YOU! MY SON! They even had a wedding, I wanted to kidnap your mother the day before but her brother, your dad and one of his brother's almost killed me. I had been underground since then." By now he was breathing heavily due to the anger he had.

"Whdy hsufj hshd?" I say in a muffled voice. Peter sighs and takes of the gag. "Why did you kill her then?" I ask with pain inside me, but hell like I'd show him that.

"I DIDNT KILL HER!" He shouted.

"What?" I asked surprised.

"I didn't want to kill her." He corrected himself. "All those years, Naomi and Nickolai had even more children, more boys. They were a happy family. That Nickolai was the don of the Italian Mafia. I wasn't that powerful to kidnap or snatch away Naomi and you from his protection. After years of waiting, they had what was their last child; a daughter. A fucking weakness of the Don! I threatened Naomi with her daughter's life and I succeeded; Naomi fled away from Nickolai. I tried finding them as soon as I recieved the news, but couldn't find her, for 9 years. Until she settled down in California. I tried coming back to her and told her that I'd still accept her and that slut of a daughter she had with Nickolai." He spat Dad's name in disgust.

"Don't you fucking call my sister names!" I shout at him.

Just wait till I get out of these fucking ropes.

"She told me that she had a daughter and didn't want a relationship with me or anyone." He started telling his story again, ignoring my comments. "That little whimp, she was a thorn in my path and I had to get rid of her. I had one of my men assigned to kill her," he paused and looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes. "You know," he sat back down on his chair, like he was going to say the most interesting part of the movie. "It was a bullet I had specially designed for killing her. It was covered with poison, and one it came in contact with the blood of the person.... They'd instantly die. I had only produced 2 thousand of those ever, and she was going to be my first trial test." He replied with a smile which soon turned into a scowl and then into a full on rage. He stood up from his chair. "But that man killed Naomi instead of her daughter. That fucker paid for his mistake." He said with something that looked like sadness.

But again, he was bipolar? Delusional? You name it.

"Then," he sat back down. "I thought," he tapped his index finger on his chin and then looked at me. "If not Naomi, I can still have my son; you. The heir to my empire, who would follow my footsteps and become the next leader of England's most undefeated gang." He said proudly only to receive an eye roll from me. "And that's happening." He added then turned around to one of his men. "Take him to the guest room and have him changed. Then we'll see what to do." He ordered him and turned back to me. "We'll meet soon, son." He said and then walked out of the dungeon.


Hey there!

What are your views on this chapter?

Another piece of the past was revealed.

What do you think is Demitri going to do now?

Also, I have no Idea, how this slipped out of my mind, but the next chapter is going to have an 'atom bomb blast' of a surprise.


Until then,

Regina In RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now