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Now was the time, I would drop my personal atom bomb on the family.

I placed my spoon back on the placemat and then wipped my mouth with the napkin. I then cleared my throat.

"quindi cosa hai pensato? me lo dici o no?" I speak in Italian for the first time in front of my family. I then look up at them.

(So, what have you thought? Going to tell me or not?)



I would pay a million dollars to see their reaction everyday.

Let's start from dad.

His whole face was paled, as if he had seen a ghost. His mouth was open and he was staring right into my eyes.

Demitri dropped a glass of water he was about to drink, and stared at the counter.

Ace, who was sipping his coffee spit it out.... From his nose... OUCH! that must have burned like hell. Sorry not sorry Acey!

Giovanni had the least reaction. It was like he knew it was coming sooner or later.

Armani turned his head in my direction so fast I could hear his joint crack. He also stated at me.

Valentino had the best reaction. He was eating his breakfast. Now he had his mouth open, with his food still in.

I looked at them and took out my phone fast and captured their reaction. I then placed it firmly on the table and started laughing so hard, I had to hold my stomach in one hand and hold the counter for support. The only thing that could be heard throughout the kitchen was my laughter.

Soon all of them broke out of their trance.

"Y-you..... know.. to speak... Italian?" Demitri asked. I've never heard him stutter, the same goes to the family, guessing the way they looked at him as he stuttered.

"Yes, Demi. I know Italian" I reply, trying my best to keep composure.

"Why didn't you ever tell us?" Dad asked.

"You never asked and I didn't feel like making it a point" I replied shrugging my shoulders.

"So you understood everything we spoke?" Ace asked. He acts so dumb sometimes.

"Hell yeah Acey! I understood everything." I replied with a pressed smile.

"Not only that. She also knows Spanish. Mom made her take classes" Giovanni spoke looking at me and then everyone else.

"How do you know?" Armani asked.

"She called me ch-chico... Something the other day" he replied trying hard to pronounce it.

"Chico alto, ninõ. te llamé un chico alto" I replied in Spanish.

(Tall guy, boy. I called you a tall guy)

"Yeah! That Chico thing." Giovanni spoke making a scrunched up face.

"So you know Italian and Spanish?" Valentino asked.

"We'll go with that!" I said with an awkward laugh.

"Stella... What are you hiding?" Giovanni asked.

This guy knows me so fucking well.

"I mean, Italian, Spanish, French, Greek, Latin, Russian, Turkish, Czech, Dutch, German, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Irish, Swedish.... You name it, I'll have it" I say somewhat proud of myself.

I look at them only to find them already looking at me, dumbfound.

"So you are basically a Google translator?" Valentino asked.

"You can say that, but I'd rather have me called a polyglot" I reply with a smile.

"Where and how did you learn all these languages?" Dad asked curiously.

"We'll, you see... You know mom was very adventurous, so am I. So, we used to travel to different countries every year, stay there for a year and then relocate to another country. Mom made me learn the languages of the countries we stayed in. Plus point, I loved learning new things and I was a quick learner. I grew up learning Greek and Italian as my mother tongue along side English." I reply. My mom was Greek while dad was Italian.

"See ya later boys!!" I say and hop towards my room.


"Dad, now there is no point in backing out. We've got to tell her." My red haired son spoke.

"And I believe, she has will power to handle it" Giovanni stated.

"Immagino sia ora, ragazzi" i reply with a sigh.

(I guess it's time, boys.)


The rest of the evening went like a flash, I was going through my old stuffs when I found a miniature Eiffiel tower. I remembered the memory when mom and I stayed in France.

"Mom, the city looks so small from here!" A 6 year old me screamed. My mom laughs at me, her dimples on full display.

"Yes my baby, the world looks small from here" my mom replied.

We were currently at the eiffiel tower in Paris, France.

I was torn away from my thoughts when I hear a knock on my door. "Come in"

Armani walks into my room. "Hey!"

"Hi Armani! Come here." I say and he sits besides me.

"I came here to call you. Dad wants all of us in the north wing." He said remembering why he came here.

"Okay, let's go" I say standing up. He put his hand around my shoulders and we walk out of my room.

We walk through the northern wing. There is this vibe among these walls that send shivers through my spine. We stop in front of this large 12 foot double door. Its full wood and had golden knobs. Armani knocked on it and we entered after hearing a come in.

We enter to see all my brothers sitting a meeting table, with Dad sitting at the head.

"Come in princess..." I hear dad calling me. I took a seat opposite to dad.

"We've got to talk to you, Artemis" He started.

"Okay, go on" I say, waiting for the worst.

"Artemis... We are the Italian Mafia" dad said in a raised voice.


Well, Hello there!
It might sound a little selfish... But, I'd love if there was any response from my readers.

We authors take time out of our schedules to write stories. I hope my readers can understand this. Not only speaking for me but also my fellow Authors.

❤️❤️Until then! ADIÓS ❤️❤️

Regina In RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now