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Artemis and Giovanni have opened their Instagram accounts! Go follow them.

artemisdgvrusso - Artemis

giovanni.a.russo - Giovanni

sarah.wattpadd - my instagram account for Wattpad.


"You gotta be kidding me, I never knew I could look so good in this hair color." I squealed.

Yeah, my whole get up is changed. I now have long black hair, look a little older, and my orbs and honey brown. I looked like Kade's sister. And before you ask about the bruises, I covered them all up this morning since I was wearing shorts to school. I look at the time. 9:30. One more hour to go.

"Artemis! Are you ready?" I heard Demitri call me out.

"Coming!" I shout back. I walk out of the room and see Demitri staring at me. "What? Is it the hair? Is it out of place?" I ask

"No... You don't look like Artemis anymore." He replied to which I smile.

"We ready to go?" I ask.

"Gianni must be here soon. We'll leave together."he replied.

As if on cue, Gianni entered the house, his eyes on his tablet. He looked up as he neared us. His eyes turned cold and his jaws clenched. It looked like he was on alert.

"Once Miss Athena arrives, we can leave, Mr. Russo" he spoke. I see Demi smile.

"G.. why are you acting like this, on alert? And who is Athena?" I asked confused.

I see recognition flash through his eyes.. "Temi?" He asked using the same nickname as Bex And Kade. "I didn't even recognize you. They did a good job"

"Yes.. now who is Athena?" I asked.

"The black haired, brown orbs, 20 year old girl standing in front of us..." Demitri replied. "YOU" He added.

"Oh" is all I say.

"Let's get going... It's an hour's drive from here." Gianni spoke and we started towards the door. There stood a sleek limousine in front of the car. Demitri looked up at the house and waved and smiled at a girl at the window.. surprisingly, she looked a lot like me. Gianni opened the limousine door for me and I sat inside and scooted for Demitri to sit.

"G isn't coming with us?" I asked.

"No, he is coming in another car" Demitri responded.

There was silence in the car before Demitri broke it.

"Princess... Artemis... Now I want you to know something very important.." he spoke rubbing my shoulders, now turning his whole body towards me.

"You will have to act all innocent type. And..." He stopped and shut his eyes close. It looked like he didn't want to say what he had to say next. I placed my hand just above his knee.

"Demi, its okay.. tell me what I need to know" I assured him. He took a long breath, closed his eyes and spoke.

"I might have to make you sit.... On my lap... I know it's disgusting... I'm sorry for doing it to you.. I'm using you Artemis.... I feel disgusted for using you in this way... I don't like to dre-" he spoke in one breath, when I put my whole hand on his mouth. He opened his eyes.

"Demitri Riccardo Russo. Now listen to me carefully. First of all, you are not using me, because this is my family too. Second of all, you are my brother. You can make me sit on your lap, I mean not in the way people think.. but what we are thinking matters not others... Also, you don't have to feel disgusted for making me do something like sitting on your lap, because I am your baby sister and I can sit on your lap. Alright?" I ask and he slowly nods.

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