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Also, I love reading all your comments!


Also, I can't believe we are only 5 chapters away to 50. This book is ending way to fast! *Sobs*

Eid Mubarak once again!


I search around frantically for some clue that would lead me to my brother. I luckily find my phone and only one of my knives still on me. Then I hear a foreign voice from the camera recorder, which was still running.

"You have time till the dawn to find your brother. If not then you'll soon meet his dead body." The person spoke. I felt my jaw clench and my hands balled into fists. "Now,"

"Let nature be your guide to find the place where the ball of fire meets water from above, then where the green welcome the yellow. Last of all where falls above all the bright yellow light, there you shall meet the flightless flight, who will have all your answers, beneath your feet."


He is one psycho kidnapper, giving my riddles to find my brother.

(A/N: the riddles suck, but bear with them)

"Where the ball of fire meets water from above... Where ball of fire meets water from above...." I kept chanting the first line of the supposed riddle. I glance at my watch. It's 11 in the morning, I have to get out of here and also find the first clue soon.

"Fucking Shit!" I jump up ten feet as I find the answer. "The ball of fire indicates sun, the ball of fire. Where as, water from above indicates, water....." I think hard about such kind of place. "The waterfall!" I say more to myself as I remember the sound of the gushing water I heard before being kidnapped.

I climb down the ladder of the tree house ad hop down. I close my eyes and try to focus on my hearing senses. After a minute or I start hearing the sound of the water hitting the stones. Concentrating on it, I walk towards the sound. After walking a mile or something I spot the waterfall. I run towards it and stand in front of the water body.

If I weren't in this situation, I surely would've gone for a swim here.

Not the time Artemis! Your brother's life is at stake.

But, a swim wouldn't hurt anyone right?

Hell yeah! My brother could die! And I don't need anymore people dying on me!

You're such a bore!

"What was the next line?...." I speak to myself as I try to remember the lines. "Find a place where fire meets water..... where the green welcomes the yellow...." I recite the riddle. "Green yellow?" I ask myself, confused.



Think Arte! Think!

"Urghh!!" I close my eyes and throw my head back in frustration. Something bright falls on my eyelids, making me open my eyes.

Green welcomes the yellow!!!

"I know it!" I fist bump in the air. "The green are the trees and the yellow is the sunlight. The place where the trees welcome the sunlight," I look in front of me. "The forest!" I say and run back the same path I entered with. After speed walking for sometime, a stop abruptly.

Something's not right...

"The place where the fire meets the water, the green welcomes the yellow..." I recite the riddle again. "What was after that?" I pull out the camera recorder and replay the tape.

"Now Let nature be your guide to find the place where fire meets water, then where the green welcome the yellow. Last of all where falls above the bright yellow light, there you shall meet the flightless flight, who will have all your answers, beneath your feet." The video stops playing.

"Last of all where falls from above the bright yellow light," I recite the next line. "Yellow light is the sunlight, okay. Falls from above, bright..." I repeat the riddle while searching the forest area around me. I walk for I don't know how long before I spot an area that seemed to have more amount of sunlight than the rest. "Found it! Yes!" I run towards the area and stand on it.

"Okay, the next line was..... You shall meet the flightless flight who will have all your answers beneath your feet." I repeat the riddle.

"Flightless flight, means.... A bird that cannot fly.... Umm.... A penguin? Kiwi? Ostrich?" I say to myself. I look around for any clue until I remember something. " Who will have all your answers beneath your feet... Beneath my feet.." I look below me as I repeat the line. I take a stick and start digging the soil.

"This kidnapper sure loves to play scavenger hunt. Lemme find him once, I'm gonna show him how to play scavenger hunt with people's body parts." I speak to myself as I keep digging with my hands.

After a lot of digging I spot some plastic bag kind of thing. "Please let it not be someone's body part." I send a not so silent prayer and pull the plastic bag. "Thank God!" I say as I don't find any part of a human body. "So, a penguin it was." I say as I find a penguin plush instead." I open the ziplock bag and take out the penguin. "Now what?" I say turning around the penguin in all directions. "There must be something.... Come on! Come on!" I whisper to myself. "See! Told ya!" I cheer as I feel an open stitch. " Sorry Mr. Penguin." I say to the plush before ripping it open with my bare hands. From it fell down a piece of paper. I pick it up and start reading it.

"Go back to the place from where you entered this forest." It read.

"GODD! Are you for real man?!" I groan and start walking, hoping I'd reach the right place. I wanted to call dad and the rest but,

1. They'll worry the fuck.

2. There ain't any network here!

I let out a sigh when I see that I reached the place where we had entered from. Giovanni's motorcycle still stood there, but there was a note stuck to it. I walk over and pick it, and start reading.

"Now to the place besides where the might queen keeps her secret.." I read it.

"I know only one mighty queen, and that's me!" I snicker as I say it. "No, for real tho. Mighty queen keeps her-, for fuck's sake! You got to be kidding me!" I get out a groan.

I sit on the motorcycle and wear my helmet while I put Giovanni's on the ground.

I'll buy him a new one.

If he lives to.

Shut up!

"Come on! Don't let me down now!" I whisper to myself as I try finding the wires with the help of the handlebars. Accomplishing in hot-wiring the motorcycle I do a mental victory dance.

Don't ask how I know to hot wire!

I speed the bike to the place 'where the mighty queen keeps her secret'.



Hey there!

Are you happy now??  ARE YOU FREAKING HAPPY!!!

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Love you all!

Until then,

Regina In RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now