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Shit! I thought he forgot about it...

I looked at Kade.

"What's going on?" He whispered to me.

"Some people attacked us and then they saw me 'playing' with knives and now he knows I know to to fight." I replied.

"Enough you too!" Dad spoke in between, taking out a bottle of whiskey.

"We should leave I think" Gianni spoke getting up.

Before anyone could speak I spoke. "You can stay. Kade knows it already... Partly.. it would be better if you also know it." I replied looking at him. He then walked towards the balcony and opened the windows letting fresh breeze get in. He stood there.

"As much as we want to stay, we have to go. Something came up, unfortunately. Also, we're leaving for Italy tomorrow morning." Uncle Mateo spoke. We bid both my uncles farewell. After they left, all eyes were back on me.

I took a deep breath and looked at the ground. Fiddling with a particular ring on my thumb, I tried deciding where to start from.

Let it all out! They will be there for you. Your got Kade by your side.

But he too doesn't know this.

"Ask me whatever you what to ask, dad" I looked up to him.

"How did you learn to fight? That to People twice your height? Tell us how was your life before meeting us?"

"To explain that, I'll have to give you a back story." I replied.

"Mom and I...."I started.

"Mom and I used to travel to a lot of different places around the world. When I was 7, we moved to Spain, where we lived for a year and a half. A week after we landed in Spain, I met two kids; Allegra, She was my classmate. She also had an elder brother, A. Soon we were best friends. Mom and their parents also got along well. We planned on staying just for a year, but since I insisted mom agreed on staying in Spain for longer. All 6 of us had become a family." I look up to see everyone's eyes on me.

"I... I never had real friends. Since we used to travel a lot, I never bothered making one. But A and Allegra were different... We instantly clicked. We used to have sleepovers. Play video games and do everything together. We were attached to each other like gum to a shoe. But, unfortunately, our six months ended and we eventually had to leave. Mom promised me to revisit Spain and keep in touch with them."

"Is that why you didn't want to go to Spain?" Demitri asked interrupting me.

"I don't know Demitri... But please don't interrupt me" I replied.

"After Spain, we moved to Greece for a few weeks and then to Russia. After my 9th birthday in Russia, mom decided to finally settle down in California. Mom bought a house for us in California City. We stayed there for a year.... Before..." My voice hitched because I knew this would be the most difficult part of all..

"Before Mom was murdered. I was 10 then." I state and look around at everyone.

"Dad.. I guess we shouldn't pressurize her if she is not okay with it" Giovanni spoke.

"No Gio, I'm finishing this once and for all" I replied and walked towards the window, where Gianni was standing beside me taking a drag from the cigarette. The window was breathing cold air into the tension filled room. I stood in front of it, my elbows resting on the railing. I looked over my shoulder at Gianni, who also looked at me. His eyes telling me not to do what I was going to do next. I shook my head and extended my hand to him. He looked reluctant, but he too knew that I needed one badly. He walked closer to me and handed over his cigarette to me. Both of us looking outside the window, resting our elbows on the railing, ignoring the fact that there are 7 other people in the room drilling holes into my body. I turn around, lean back with my elbows resting on the railing, facing my whole famaliá.


The men in the room couldn't believe their eyes. The youngest Russo was smoking.

Nickolai couldn't believe the girl standing in front of him was his own daughter. The Russo boys weren't able to believe how their sister was acting.

The more the men looked at her, they noticed how Artemis's eyes had turned blue from green.

Her whole demeanor had changed. She had turned rigid and cold. Her eyes had turned two shades darker, almost black. The aura around her was cold, authoritative and screamed of dominance. It looked as if she had closed herself from the world and built up a wall around her. She wasn't Artemis Russo anymore, she was the Artemis who was left alone after the death of her mother.

The men very well knew that now they couldn't predict what she is going to do or say next.


I take a long drag of the cigarette and hold it in my hand. I look around at everyone, who was waiting for me to continue. I close my eyes and remember the years I spent like they were the events of yesterday.

"The day mom died... We were discussing about where to go for my Summer vacations. I had suggested we go to Spain to meet the twins; A and Allegra. They aren't twins, but they look alike very much. Mom said she knew it and she had already booked tickets for us. We were set to fly in 4 days. After mom was murdered. The police had arrived. I didn't want any thing to do with the police, but I didn't have a say. I was put into the system. I received mom's body after 2 days. I buried her with the help of the community members." I again take a long drag of my cigarette and glance at everyone before continuing. Dad and the boys had tears in their eyes. They all looked angry for some reason. Gianni looked at me with pity. Kade stood there, emotionless.

"I knew I had to do something since I didn't want to stay in the system. I sneaked into my own home, made a suitcase for myself, took all the money and debit cards my mom had left, grabbed my flight tickets to Spain and flew away the next day, leaving mom and everything behind." I couldn't help but take another drag.

"I travelled to Spain to meet CG and his family. The were shocked to know about Mom's death. They took me in right away. They treated me as their own child. CG trained me along with A and Allegra. Apparently, every child in his household had to be trained. He was an influential person and had gained many enemies during his time. He taught me the Spanish style of fighting. You being the Italian Mafia must have found my different way of fighting." I look up to see and everyone who witnessed me fight, agreed.

"He always told me that I had the blood of a warrior, someone who had fighting and royalty in their blood. He used to tell me that I had the mind of a wolf in the body of an Angel. He was a father figure to me. I underwent training alongside A and Allegra for 2 years and a few months." I take another drag and hand it over to Gianni, who immediately took it from me.

"After that?" I shoot up my head to see Demitri was questioning me. I look around to see everyone's state.


Hey people!

I'm back!

Artemis is finally opening up!
Once and for all!

How was this chapter? Please do comment!

Until then,


Regina In RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now