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A few weeks after the first bonus chapter

Members of the Italian Mafia walked behind the vintage hearse as it rolled down the cemetery road, the family of Italiano (The Russo's by blood and association) walking infront of it. All dressed in black, mourning.

The coffin was pulled out as the hearse stopped. Brothers lending a shoulder to their brother, for one final time. They walked shoulder by shoulder, carrying their loved one, one last time, one last journey, one last memory.

She stood there by her family, eyes void of tears. She stood there, staring at the six feet deep pit, but her eyes were unfocused, her mind somewhere in a dreamland, where she tried to imagine herself to be a tad bit happy.

The brothers carried the coffin, walking up to their family. A priest standing infront of the pit, saying good things about the dead.

Now, it was time for the final goodbye, for one last time. Her eyes shed unseen tears are she witnessed the coffin get lower and lower by each second. Her black dress swayed with the cold wind of the early morning, resulting in goosebumps all over her body, but she couldn't feel anything, as she had grown numb to all this pain, to all feelings. Her large black fascinator hat successfully hid her grieve stricken face from everyone present there.

For, she had to stay strong for her family.

A drop of tear fell on her hand, catching her attention, and when she noticed it, it wasn't a tear but a drop of blood. For, she was shedding tears of blood.

Her eyes focused and unfocused as the family sprinkled mud inside the grave.

And all of a sudden she was falling, falling into the same pit. Deep and fast.


Artemis woke up and sat up from her sleep, panting, her face pale and painted with tear marks. Her body was drenched in sweat even though she just had a thin material shirt covering her and her breathing more than uneven.

"Hey, hey Baby girl." A soft hoarse voice came from beside her as the bed dipped even more and a pair of arms wrapped around her, pulling her into a comforting hug.

The room was slient, except for the noise of the A/C remote, used to lower the temperature drastically.

"The same thing, again?" The person asked softly.

"I can't help it." Artemis let out a sigh.

"I'm here, baby girl. Everything will be alright. Do you want me to get Kade from the other room?" The person asked her, ignoring the fact that he was starting to feel cold.

"No. It's alright. I don't want to disturb him. Just stay with me G." Artemis sighed.

"I'm right here. Let me go grab something to put on me. You need anything?" Gianni asked her.

"No." She replied bluntly. Gianni didn't take any offence as he knew, her mind was somewhere else. Letting go off her reluctantly, he got up from the bed and walked into the walk in closet.

Artemis's body temperature was starting to normalise when Gianni walked towards her, wearing a relatively thick sweater and with a bottle of water in one hand and a wet cloth in another.

"Here." He said passing her the cold water bottle. He wiped her face and hands as she drank the water.

"Thank you." She mummbled as he wrapped his arms around her once again and she leaned into him.

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