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Our Regina has turned 17 today! And here is a chapter dedicated to her. And what better way to celebrate her birthday, than..... You'll have to read to find out! Also, don't forget to read the author's note at the end. I have something important to tell you.

On a serious note, I know this is supposed to be a happy chapter, however, I can't help but send my condolences to all the countries out there battling with all sorts of crisis!

Let it be Palestine or Syria, battling with an internal war, Yemen or Lebanon battling with humanitarian crisis and country wide shut down, Turkey, Algeria or Greece battling wildfires, Haiti against an earthquake or Afghanistan under a coup. My heart goes to you and your people! We pray for you to come out of this crisis as soon as possible.



-Long Chapter Alert-

-4000+ word count-

-13+ content-
A/N: who the fuck am I kidding you motherfuckers are gonna read it anyways.

"Nick..." A whisper could be heard in the middle of the night.

"Nickolai... Wake up..." The person whispered again upon receiving no response.

"What happened Amore?" Nickolai groaned sleepily.

"What time is it?" Naomi asked, her voice above a whisper.

"12:15 am, why?" He replied still half asleep.

"Can we go to Bologna tomorrow?" His wife asked him innocently.

Nickolai wanted to groaned loudly at the peculiar and uncanny cravings of his adventurous and venturesome wife. But instead, he found himself turning over to face her.

"Nomes, Amore," He cupped her tender blush kissed cheeks with his rough, calloused palms. "You're 35 weeks pregnant (aroudn 8- 8½ months). You think anyone will let you travel in this condition?" Nickolai spoke half awake.


"Miele," Nickolai cut off his wife. "You know how angry both our mothers were when they found out you took me to Russia last time you were pregnant with the twins." He reminded her. "And not to forget, I was on the recieving end of the punishment, cause according to them, you were pregnant and they couldn't punish their grandchildren, who were inside you. I mean, I have their grandchildren inside me too. Fine, atleast a part of them." He started spaking to himself. "And no, we cannot." He said firmly.

"C'mon!" Naomi whined and huffed, but immediately winced when the little one kicked her from inside.

'you already on your dad's side, huh?' Naomi Internally spoke to the traitor.

'you better come out looking like me atleast!' She added.

"Naomi. We both know I don't want to stress you, but we have to be careful after what happened with the other two." Nickolai whispered cautiously as if he were afraid those simple words would somehow hurt his wife. There was a long pause between the two, until Naomi spoke.

"Okay." Naomi whispered back like an obedient child.


Regina In RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now