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We are currently in a tinted Black Range Rover, on our way to our destination after resting in the hotel for a few hours, I had my team book for us. It's 2 pm here in Mexico city. Ares and I are in the second row, while Roman is in the third row with an ice pack on his head.

Wait, let me rewind the tape a little.

-Rewinding noise of tapes-

"What just happened?" I asked looking at Ares. We both walk to the seating area and see Roman on the ground with his hand on his forehead, a visible bump forming on that spot.

He apparently hit his head on the metal part of the table infront of him, that holds it on to the floor of the jet.

(A/N: kanakagarwall hats off to you for guessing it right away. You know me too well boo! )


So, that's what happened. Anyways, after that I had Ares go to the bedroom to get some sleep since we still had 7 hours left. We had our breakfast on the jet, before landing. I spent the rest of the night in my office, going through my collection for the new upcoming clothing line, Sapphire by Stone. I am thinking about launching it in a few months.

I'm currently wearing a blue denim jeans and black hoodie with the writing 'hell was boring'. It also has this fancy hoop on one side, but Roman keeps pulling it, annoying me. The hood when put on my head, covers my face such that only my lips are visible.

(A/N: just imagine the hood as said in the description)

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(A/N: just imagine the hood as said in the description)

I peer outside the tinted windows and look at the scenery. The tall buildings, busy roads, faint mountain outlines at the horizon.

Nothing has changed!

"Again, Azzie. We are you acting like you are some run away prisoner, trying to hide from some person." Roman spoke from the back seat. "You literally hide your whole face each time we step out of the car."

"Ro, I love you but shut up."

A few minutes later, the driver stops the car, indicating that we've reached our destination. I knock twice on the window and the body guards open the door. Hopping out of the car and putting on my hood, I keep the door ajar for Roman to come out.

"I'll be here if you need me." Ares said leaning on to the car. I nod at him and walk towards the entrance along with Roman.

The gates of the graveyard squeek giving the feels of a haunted movie.

Why don't people oil these gates! Like seriously!

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