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Thankyou for all the love and support you guys have shown me and this book.

Much Love,


We all came down for breakfast the next morning. Dad, Demitri, Giovanni and Val were already on the table while Armani walked in with me.

Update on the hair. Mine is currently a strawberry ginger mix, which means it's fading away. However, Val's has turned dark brown; mixture of his ginger hair and the Black dye.

"Good morning" I chirp as I take a seat between Ollie and Giovanni. I recieve 'good mornings' in response.

"Did you sleep well, Bumblebee?" Albert asked.

"Like a baby!" Thankfully. I replied.

"Bumblebee?" Demitri asked.

"Yeah, it's something I came up with, and she grown on it by now" William replied.

"What have we planned for today?" I ask.

"How about you kids take a tour of London today? You know, spend some time with each other." Albert suggested.

"Yay!" Valentino and Oliver screamed.

"Can we go go-karting?" I asked eagerly.

"We can" William replied.

"And then the carnival?" Ace asked.

"Yes" Demitri replied.

"Then the Buckingham palace?" Armani asked.

"Yes. We'll go there too." William replied again.

"And then to the race track?" Oliver asked getting hyper.

"NO!!!" Dad and Albert shouted, startling everyone.

"Whyyyy!" Oliver whined.

"I don't want a 16 year old racing a car. Go go-karting instead! Isn't it the same thing?" Albert asked.

"Fiinnneee!" Oliver replied.

"Everyone be ready by 12 in the noon." William announced and then left the dining room.


"Bumblebee! We are going to be late!" William shouted facing the stairs.

"Right behind you!" I shouted behind from him.

"Good let's go! Everyone's waiting" he said and led both of us out of the house. Today I went for a white tee and black pants, along with blue-white shoes and Giovanni's jacket that's pretty big for me, but it's comfy. I strap my knives around my ankle and hid it with my pants.

 I strap my knives around my ankle and hid it with my pants

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