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"We are the Italian Mafia." The voice echoed in my ears.

"You mean the Italian, Italian Mafia?" I asked. I looked around to see everyone's reaction. Demitri had a plain face. Ace had a concerned one. Giovanni's face had a soft look. Armani looked at me... Confused? Valentino had a feared look on his face.

"Yes Artemis.... Italian mafia Mafia.." Dad answered.

My first reaction was to hold out Valentino's hand. "Val, it might take me some time to process this new found information, but I'm not leaving you" I assured him. After that his face relaxed a few times.

What should I say?

It's fucking on your side, they can understand your past.

What do you mean?

Use it for your benefit, idiot.

"Missy?" I was torn out of my inner battle as Armani called me.


"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yup." I reply frantically.

"You have been making unrecognisable faces in the past 5 minutes" Ace commented.

"Okay, first questions first. The sound I heard yesterday..." I see Gio tense "it was a gunshot right?" I ask looking at dad.

"Yes bambina." Dad replied.

"Who killed?" I ask bluntly.

"Demitri" Giovanni replied.

"Thought so" I mutter under my breath.

"Whom?" I ask.

"I can't-" Demitri started only to be cut off by dad.

"He worked as an informative to our enemies. So, we had to take care of him" dad replied.

"We are Good then" I say. I look at everyone. "Is that all?" I ask.

"So, you don't have any problem with this?" Dad asked surprised.

You aren't the only one with a dark secret... Dad... Is what I wanted to say but didn't.

"No. Until and unless you have bad intentions, which I doubt you have. " I say and what out of the meeting room.


"Dad... Did you just see how she reacted. So normal... I don't know if we should be relieved or tensed." Demitri spoke, clearly disturbed.

"I saw Demitri" Nickolai replied.

"Did you find anything about her between the day Naomi died till she entered CBS? (Catherine's Boarding School)" Ace asked.

"No, it's like she had vanished from the face of the earth for like 4 years" Demitri replied.

"She is the only person who can answer these questions" Giovanni spoke out if the blue.

They stayed in the meeting room till evening, trying to figure out what the youngest Russo was hiding.


Its 5:45 and they still haven't come out of the Northern wing. The whole day, after the meeting I layed in bed holding an envelope in my hand, thinking what to do with it.

Regina In RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now