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Artemis looked to her left as she heard footsteps. "Heyyy brothers!!" She waved at them.

"Artemis Diana Russo, you are so in trouble for this." Demitri murmured, only fo Artemis to stand from her place and start laughing. "What so funny?" Demitri asked crossing his arms.

"You just got prankeed!!!" Artemis laughed holding her hands on her knees.

"Oh really?" Demitri scoffed. "Walk in a straight line then." Demitri stepped aside.

"Oka," she replied and walked in a perfect straight line. "I could do a cartwheel and a handstand too, if you want" she said laughing. "But they are stoned.." she said pointing at her other two best friends.

"Boys," Demitri called the twins. "Pick the other two." He motioned Bex and Kade.

Bexley had now taken off the paper bag and was blowing raspberries at kade who had put his hair in front of her face.

"Come on, young lady." Valentino pulled up Bexley by her arm.

"Noooo!!!" She shouted... In his ear. "I stay here!" She shouted again. She sat down now crossed legged. She vocabulary probably messed up due to the intoxication.

While Valentino struggled with Bexley, Armani was having a same story with Kade.

"Kade, get up!" Armani pulled him up, it for kade to pull Armani on the ground. Kade put an arm around armani and pointed at the clear blue sky.

"Look stars at! They soo beautiful." He said in a whispered tone. Kade also had a messed up vocabulary.

"Kade!" Armani got up "I said get up!" He said sternly.

"Captain Captain Aye!" Kade stood up and gave him a salute. Then scrunched up his nose at the weird sentence he just made.

"Now walk," Armani said, the sterness still in his voice.

"Yess ss-sir!" Kade slurred and fell on Armani's back when Armani turned around. Sighing, Armani put his hands around Kade's thighs and picked him up. Kade wrapped his arms around Armani's neck. Giving him a piggy back Armani exited the terrace.

"Nooo!" Bexley shouted.

"Bexley Styles!" Valentino sighed. "This is not working." He said to himself.

"Woaaahhhh!" Bexley squealed as Valentino picked her up bridal style and started walking towards the exit. "Hey!" She whispered. Valentino looked down at her. "You beeful." She tilted her face in confusion. "Betful? No. Beetafil?"

"You mean beautiful?" Valentino asked her.

"Yeah, saammm." She whispered before going into a deep slumber.

"Now what about you, Ms. Russo?" Demitri asked crossing his arms and looking at Artemis, who was filming everything on her phone.

She saved the video and then looked at her brother. "Since all of them got a carrier service, do I get one too?" She asked, giving him a toothy smile and then puppy eyes.

Already lost to the toothy smile, Demitri sighed asked her to jump by the actions of his hands. Artemis jumped at him and he caught her. Wrapping her legs around him and laying her head on his shoulder, she got lost in her dream world.


"Urghh!!" Bexley woke up to a massive headache. "What happened?" She fluttered open her eyes and looked around. She spotted other body beside her. Kicking Kade with her foot, she woke him up.

Regina In RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now