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"Artemis!" Giovanni, who was the nearest to her at the moment, caught her by her head, Inches away from the pieces of the now shattered vase. He quickly took her in her arms, carrying her in a bridal style.

"Quick! Call Alejandro!" He screamed as he picked up his sister and ran towards the infirmary, which happened to be on their estate at a walkable distance.

"On it" Ace answered already pressing the phone against his ears. The Russo men tried matching the pace of Giovanni, who even though was carrying the whole weight of a human being was faster than them.

"Alejandro!" Giovanni screamed as he entered the infirmary.

"Right here" came a voice from inside a ward. Giovanni rushed and placed a still unconscious Artemis.

"Out! Now!" Alejandro shouted doing a check up on Artemis. The Russo men pulled Giovanni out of the room as nurses entered and closed the door behind them.


Seconds felt like hours, hours felt like days. Giovanni had his eyes stuck on the door. Nickolai paced around in the corridor of the infirmary. Demitri was being convinced by Ace that everything would be okay, while at the moment Ace was convincing himself too. Armani consoled a sniffling Valentino.

The doors of the ward opened after, what felt like days but was 30mins. Alejandro walked out.

"Al, how is my baby?" Nickolai asked on the verge of breaking down. He couldn't afford to lose his daughter. What would he answer to Noami?

"She is stable. Something triggered her to go into extreme hyperventilation, due to which she fell unconscious. Her BP hiked up, but now it's normal" Alejandro, the doctor spoke as one of the nurses handed over him a file.

"Trigger? But what?" Demitri asked.

"Could be anything, some sound, some memory of the past, revelation of something that was hard for her to believe, meeting a person from her past" Alejandro explained. He paused for a while before speaking again.

"Does she suffer from insomnia?" Alejandro asked.

"No" Nickolai and Demitri answered.

"Yes" Giovanni answered. All eyes fell on him.

"What?" Nickolai almost shouted.

"Yes Alejandro, she suffers from mild Insomnia." Giovanni answered, ingnoring all the stares he received.

Alejandro gave the rest a 'look' before speaking to Giovanni. "Since I feel you know the most about Artemis over here, Please come in Giovanni, I'd like to talk to you" he said and headed inside Artemis's ward along with Giovanni, closing the door behind them.

Nickolai was filled with nothing but guilt and regret. What did he know about his daughter? He couldn't even recognise that his daughter has sleeping problems? He couldn't notice the bags under her eyes? Was she able to mask it so well, or he did not make an effort? He might be the best dad to his sons, but tonight he felt as if we failed his daughter, and his wife.

Demitri was another case. Now he understood why Giovanni would be in Artemis's room or vice-versa. Why he found her on the rooftop that night. He felt like a jerk. He persuaded his brother, when he was only making Their little baby sister comfortable. What had happened, couldn't be changed. Now, he would fix things, and make amendments. He knew just the thing to do.


"Yes Alejandro" I ask him as we enter the ward. I look at Stella, who was hooked to a heart monitor and and IV fluid.

"Don't worry Giovanni, those are just precautionary measures." Alejandro tried to assure me.


"Now, Giovanni as her doctor I want her medical details." He spoke turning professional

"Throw" I say

"Does she have nightmares?"

"Yes, at least twice to thrice a week."

"Does she take some sort of pills?"

"Yes, she takes sleeping pills."

"Her blood work shows traces of them." He said looking into a file, which I suppose is Artemis's blood work report.

"Has something like this occurred before?" He asked

"I don't know if it happened before we found her, but last night we heard a gunshot around 1:30 in the morning and when I walked out, I saw her crawled up, her knees against her chest and she was quivering and rocking back and forth, tears pouring out of her eyes, her breath uneven, rapid and heavy. I felt like she couldn't breathe anymore." I explained him the situation of last night.

"Has she seen something related with Gunshots in her past?" He asked.

"No, not that I know of" I answered him.

"Okay, now I'll leave and send the rest of them in" he said. As he left I grabbed his arm.

"Whatever we spoke, stays between us, Alejandro Ramirez" I seeth through my gritted teeth.

"Don't worry" he says me with a smile.

The rest of them walk in as I take my seat beside Artemis. Every single cell in our bodies waiting for her wake up.

Dad had slumped into one of the chairs while Demitri leaned into the door frame. Valentino stood beside me and Armani stood with Ace.


Hello there! 👋

I couldn't wait another day to post this chapter for you people.

Enjoy! And also please share your opinions.
It helps keep me motivated! 

-SL ❤️❤️

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