13| Secrets, Heartbreak and Kisses

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"Wait. Let me get this straight." I said running my hands into my hair.

Lucas and I were seated across each other the light orbs between us. Sydney had arrived a few moments into Lucas' story and was settled next to him.

"You were born on 5th August, 1395. You were a wizard in my mom's coven. You died in 1415 when you were 20 and became an angel." I said.

Lucas nodded and sighed.

Then came the hard part. A lump formed in my throat.

"My parents were Melynda and Malachi. My dad, your cousin, died of some disease when he was 4 and was an angel ever since. My mother was your best friend and you introduced my parents to each other and they were actually soulmates. I was born on 31st October, 1421. To save me my mother and father sent me to the fae lands on 22nd November 1421. And I came out of the lands almost 500 years later like..." I snapped my fingers. " like that. You promised my parents you would protect me when I came out after you watched them die, in front of your eyes. " I said.

Tears were running down my face and my breathing was hard. My voice could no longer raise above a harsh whisper.

"Did I get it right?" I asked. Lucas didn't answer. "I said did I fucking get it right!?" I snapped.

"Yeah." Lucas said running his hands down his face looking exhausted.

I sniffed. "And when we met, this information was..." I waved my hands around and clicked my tongue. " irrelevant. "

I used my hands to pull my hair back and I started straight into the glowing orbs. I sniffed again.

"Look Melody-" I raised a hand cutting him off.

"We need to rest. I'll make us tents and put some sort of ward around us." I said emotionless as I got up.

Lucas stood up too.

"Melody I wanted to tell y-" I cut him off again.

"Rest! We need rest." I shouted the first part but my voice came out as a whisper at the end.

I waved my hand and made a sturdy ward around us before making two tents. One big enough for Lucas and Sydney and one small one for me only.

I didn't even say goodnight as I retreated to my tent. I heard Lucas kick the ground and mutter some curses. Sydney whimpered and my heart fell. It wasn't long before Lucas went to his tent.

I thought of crying but I had already done that so I just lay there and thought. I wasn't one of those girls who refused to think things over before reacting. I had to see things not only from my view but Lucas' too. It was only fair.

First, how I see things. Lucas lied to me while journey together. The whole damn time. All I wanted to do was find out more about my parents than save the earth. My mom was a witch. Great. That meant I had a new lead on who she was. My dad was an angel, unexpected but still freaking awesome.

I have a right to be angry at him.

Now, Lucas' way. He watched his cousin and best friend die and couldn't do anything to help them. The only way to avenge them was to protect their daughter who he was not sure when would appear. She came back almost 600 years later and he had to protect her with all his might.

But how exactly do you tell her she's over 500 years old and that you knew her parents. Easy. You don't. At least not when you meet her. It would be too overwhelming for her to try to process it so you try to ease her into it. Of course until she cries on your shoulder about how she wants answers for her parents and you feel so fucking guilty.

I have no right to be mad at him.

Plus he did give me answers. The fae lands must be what I dream of, the chicken women must have been fae. The beauty must have been the way my little mind saw things, I mean the fae world must be awfully pretty but my baby brain said 'no mama here'.

The thing that matters is that he told me. Before we kissed. He stopped himself to tell me the truth. That accounts for something. I couldn't be mad at him.

I should forgive him. But there is no way I'm forgetting this. It will bite him back in the ass one day and I'll be sure it does. So I decided to be like Elsa and let it go.

I got up and walked over to Lucas' tent. I opened it and stepped inside. Lucas was asleep, shirtless, on his belly. His wings were spread on his back like a shadow. Magnificent. That was what he was.

I crawled behind Sydney and lay next to him, watching I'm as he slept.

He must have been so exhausted. I scooted close to him and closed my eyes. His warmth seeped into my pores. Bliss. That's all it was.


I woke up my back surrounded by warmth and warm air on my neck. There was a weight on my waist and over my legs.

I peeked and saw a tattooed arm on me. I know that arm anywhere.

"Morning." Lucas said.

Now I've have read about deep sexy voices and such but books do no justice. Nothing at all. His voice could melt granny panties! Not even the lacey cute ones. Those are practically vapour.

"Hey." I croaked.

Unfortunately for me I sound like a teenage male whose voice is just starting to deepen after he swallowed a frog.

"We should get up and go." He said moving off me and sleeping in his back.

I turned too and lay on my side staring at him.

"I thought about it and... thank you for telling me." I whispered.

He could've decided to leave me in the dust. Plus the anger was useless, I had to let it go. It would only consume me and make me make irrational decisions.

Lucas looked over to me and rolled on his side too. "I'm not sure what to say." He whispered.

"Then don't say anything." I said.

This was it. It was now or never. Go big or go home.

I leaned on and pressed my lips to his. He froze. I pulled back a little. Should've gone home.

He moved forward and connected our lips once again. I sighed internally. I rolled into my back and Lucas climbed on top of me, our lips never leaving each other. He tasted like cherries and sin.

Yes. Sin is a taste and he has it.

My fingers buried themselves in his dark hair and his hands rested on their elbows on either side of my head, supporting most of his weight off me.

He bit my lip and I moaned. I tagged on his hair and got a deep rumble from somewhere in his throat. Our lips parted for me to take a breath. Lucas on the other hand, started kissing down my neck.

My neck was very sensitive so every bite, nibble and suck got a moan out of me. My breath was coming out in hard pants and my centre was warm.

"We have to go." I managed to gasp out.

"We'll go. Soon." Lucas mumbled on my neck making his breath hit it.

I shivered. "No now." I said a bit a stronger and tried to pull him off.

He sighed and pulled back. He pecked my lips.

"This isn't over." He mumbled against my lips.

"I was hoping the same thing." I said.

He chuckled and shifted trying to get off me when something hard poked my thigh. I coughed hard, chocking on my spit.

"You good?" Lucas asked when my coughing had persisted.

"Yep." I croaked out.

I met Lucas jr. Kill me now.

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