6| My First Magic Trick

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We appeared on some random sidewalk.

"Ummm Lucas? Where exactly are we?" I asked.

"This is the exact same spot I saw you." He said.

I looked down as if I could remember where I supposedly had a seizure.

"Yep. We're here alright." I said.

"Now what?" He asked.

I looked around. In the distance I saw the graffiti wall.

"There." I pointed at it. "Its where I first used my powers." I said.

Lucas nodded and we started walking towards the wall in silence.

"Um... Melody? Can I ask you a question?" Lucas asked.

"Shoot." I said.

"That night I found you... you were crying... why?" He asked scratching the back of his head.

I sighed. "I was at a party, drunk as fuck and I almost got raped. I managed to escape though." I said softly.

"What?!" Lucas shouted.

I looked around. The street was as dead as it was last night. Weird.

"It's nothing." I said walking away.

Lucas grabbed my arm and spun me to face him.

"It's not nothing Melody! Who was it?" He growled.

"Look Lucas, I'm fine. He didn't touch me. I don't even remember him." I said.

Lucas was still fuming.

I grabbed his face in my hands and forced him to look in my eyes.

"I'm fine ok. No one will hurt me. I have you right?" I said trying to boost his ego somewhat.

He took deep breaths and rested his forehead on mine. We stood like this breathing until I had to ruin it. What? It's in my nature to ruin moments.

"We should move on yeah?" I said.

Lucas nodded and we pulled apart. We walked to the wall in complete silence but it was... nice.

We walked in front of the wall and stood in front of it. Sydney appeared next to Lucas.

"So what exactly are we looking for?" I asked.

"I don't know, your the one who brought us here." He said.

I groaned. "Let's just look over the posters or something." I said.

So for the last fifteen minutes, we've been going though each poster. It sucked.

"I've found something!" Lucas shouted from his side of the wall.

I quickly went over to him. He was using his finger to trace a line in the wall that was curved. I frowned at it.

"Remove the posters." Lucas commanded .

I quickly did as told tearing the posters. Sydney helped to using her claws to rip them away. Soon, there was an image in front of us craved into the wall.

We all moved back and looked at it. I tilted my head.

"What is this?" I asked annoyed.

"I don't know." Lucas said.

I crossed my arms and stared at the picture. Something clicked.

"I've seen this before." I whispered.

"Where?" Lucas asked hopeful.

I looked back at the craving. "It's a flower that's for sure. Many petals... the flower seems too long so I'm guessing it's supposed to be on a surface. Those lines under must be water so water flowers." I summarised.

Lucas nodded. "I realised that too. So water flowers are water lilies, lotus, water poppy-" I cut him off.

"Wait. Say that again."

"Water lilies?" He asked.

"No. The second one." I said.

"Lotus-" I cut him off again.

"That's it!" I shouted snapping my finger. "Black lotus antiques! It's an antique store in Mexico that deals in voodoo and all that." I said.

"And you know this how?" He asked.

"My aunt and I went for Halloween in Mexico last year. Everyone wanted to go there. Naturally, I did too." I said shrugging.

"Ok. So we go there." He said.

I nodded them I interpreted what he said. "What!"

Lucas nodded. "And you're going to get us there." He added.

"No way." I protested.


"Ok. Now, relax, breathe in and out." Lucas instructed.

So, I gave in. It wasn't much of a fight though. We needed to go to Mexico and I didn't want to go back home and search through boxes for pictures to jump through.

So, Lucas wanted me to make a portal. It wasn't all bad because I had to learn magic anyway.

"The first step to magic is learning to control it. Bring it out effortlessly, say a spell and let it out. Like the breaths we take in. In, hold, out." He instructed.

We were seated cross legged in someone's backyard. According to Lucas, they weren't home. That didn't help but it was still a bit weird.

My mind was reeling. I couldn't focus. It was hard.

"You have to focus Melody!" Lucas snapped.

"I'm trying ok." I said weakly.

He was scary when he wanted to be.

I heard him sigh. "Melody." He said gently but I ignored him.

"Can you just not... do anything?" I asked.

I took a deep breath.

I hated things peaceful. I hated how everything was still and beautiful and bright. I don't know why. I always preferred carnage. It wasn't pretty but at the same time, it was in it's own way.

I always had dreams with beautiful things. Bright green grass and bright flowers. Beautiful blue sky. And I hated it. It was too perfect. Too unnatural. That's why I have insomnia. I hated sleep because of those dreams.

I thought of darkness instead. How peaceful it was. You didn't have to worry about what was in front of behind you because you couldn't see it.

I thought of silence. No words can bring you down when you can't exactly hear them. So there I was, in the middle of a dark abyss calling my inner peace. I sound like a monk.

Violet magic surrounded me, moving around my body. I took a deep breath and imagined a huge purple circle. Then, I imagined on the other side, the hotel I stayed at in Mexico last year. 

I opened my eyes to find a portal it was big enough for Sydney to fit in. Lucas gave me a smile.

"Impressive." He commented. I smiled back.

"Thanks." I said.

"You didn't use a spell, there's only one other witch who did that. It was the very first one. Sorcha." he said.

"How did witches come about anyway?" I asked getting up and dusting off.

"Well, after the first war, angels weren't really allowed to come to earth. They still needed someone to protect the humans from the demons Lilith left behind so, they created a goddess. She was in charge of protecting the humans. She decided to make a new race of people. She created a cup and mixed in human blood, angel blood and her blood. Then she gave it to ten human women to drink. They all conceived the first witches. All boys except one. The youngest, a little girl named Sorcha. She was stronger than the rest, not needing spells to do magic. Like you." He explained.

I nodded. "Great history lesson teach." I said and walked to the portal. "Now, to Mexico!" I shouted jumping through.

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