3| Jumping Around The Earth

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I dropped on my knees. The ground under me was cold and wet but I'm sure it hadn't rained.

When I looked up, I gasped and stumbled back. I was in London. The exact same place the poster showed. I looked back and there was nothing.

I just jumped through a poster. But I... it... what!?

I'm crazy. I'm going crazy. Or its just the alcohol. I heard a growl. I jumped ten feet in the air and screamed only for a stray dog to run past me.

I sighed. It was just a dog. Not that beast that was after me. I started walking. Everything was so fucking real. Maybe I wasn't drunk. Either way, I had to get away from this spot. The thing and the beast could be coming for me.

I got on a bus. Everyone gave me weird looks but I shrugged them off. I wasn't going to see them again so it didn't matter. I sat in the back and placed my head on the window.

The bus moved and I watched as London streets passed by. How am I going to get home? I'm thousands of miles away. I decided not to think about that now and just enjoy the scenery.

That is until I saw the thing out the window. I moved my head back and screamed bloody murder. Everyone in the bus looked at me and I scrambled to stand up and run away. He appeared in front of me but all I could see was his black t shirt before I screamed again.

I stumbled backwards as the bus swerved. Then we crashed. It was all so slow like how The Flash sees things when he runs too fast.

The bus hit another and we went falling to the side. Glass flew everywhere and so did I. Because I wasn't strapped in, my body lifted from the ground and I flew in the air. Then I felt a pair of strong arms catch me around the waist. I was teleported to the side of the road.

I mean I'll call it teleportation because one minute I was in the bus and the next, I was on the street.

I watched as the thing teleported people out of the bus and the huge beast which I couldn't see well was working on the people in the bus that hit us. I was stunned for a second before I got my bearings. I had to go.

I weaved through the crowd and a magazine sticking out of one woman's purse caught attention. I passed between her and some other guy, effectively stealing the magazine.

It's not good to steal but desperate times call for desperate measures. I walked out of the forming crowd and opened the magazine. My gaze landed on one of the pictures. It was a tropical beach in Florida.

I wasn't sure if I could jump through pictures this small but we were about to find out. I willed the violet fog out of my hands and it actually came. I turned back to see both the thing and the beast focused on helping others.

I felt kinda bad but would you blame me. The picture came to life and I placed it on the floor. I took a deep breath and jumped.

My feet landed in soft sand as I fell forward effectively getting sand in my hair and everywhere else. Great.

I stood up. My heels sunk into the sand and I scowled. I looked around to see a beach party. Must be private considering there are not too many people.

I struggled to get to the isolated part of the beach, people sending me weird looks.

"What? Never seen an overdressed teenager at a beach party. Suck it up people." I said.

The turned away after that.

I managed to get to a secluded part of the beach. The waves crashed against the rocks and the full moon shone brightly.

Then there was a loud screech. I looked to the water only to see a dark figure emerge. I'm not sure what I was seeing. It looked like a cross between a seal, whale and shark.

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