24 I Resurrected. Yay?

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Let me be honest with you all, death sucks!

The never ending darkness, the feeling of falling, the panic that seizes your heart like a snake, it's all not cool. Did you know, when you die, you feel pain?


Well I found that out the hard way when I crashed onto a flat surface. My breath was knocked out of my lungs as my head bounced on the floor. I groaned and rolled on my back.

"Welcome." A deep voice said.

Looking up, there was a cloaked figure standing in front of me. I quickly got up and dusted off. I was in a white gown. Why white? The figure was definitely death. All cloaked with the scythe and all.

"So your death huh?" I asked with a sigh. "I hope I'm going to haven cause I won't accept anything else." I muttered under my breath.

"I can't do this." Death said but his voice was more soft and feminine.

He pulled back his hood to reveal a girl. She didn't look much older than me, long straight white hair and the darkest eyes I've ever seen.

"Omg! You're the Violet Witch! I can't believe I get to meet you. My name is Mor. I'm death I guess..." She said with a happy tone.

I gave her an eye. "Your death?"

"Yes, well no, you see its a long story. I always knew I was different and blah blah blah, I died and became an angel but an angel of death. I wasn't the only one. So there's this academy where angels of death are taught how to do their duties. We had trials at the end of the three years after some major shit happened and I met my mate who was a year older than me and the current death. The real death is the headmaster of the school." She said.

My mouth dropped open. "Really?!" I asked excited. "I read a book like that except different."

"Right! Me too so I was basically living the dream!" She gushed.

"How do you know me?" I asked.

"Oh, everyone knows you. You killed Lilith! Omg! I'm here with your soul! My best friend is going to flip! She idolized you in our first year!" Mor said. I smiled softly not knowing what to say. How do you answer a compliment! Seriously, I need classes.

"Can I take a selfie with you? I need proof and I'll post it on my Instagram." Mor asked.

I shrugged. "Sure."

She squealed before coming to my side. We took multiple pictures in different poses and now I was looking over her shoulder picking the ones I liked.

"Ooo. Send that to me." I said gushing over a selfie. I gave her my name and she sent me all the pictures.

"We should totally get together after this. Your so much fun." Mor said.

"You too."

"Can you please sign this dream catcher for me? It's my friends' and her birthday is coming up and I don't know what to get her." Mor said pulling one from her robe and a marker.

I signed it for her and she squealed. We were about to go into another conversation when a guy appeared in front of us. He had midnight black hair with red tips and dark wings. His eyes, a piercing icy blue.

"Mor! You're not supposed to keep the spirits for a long time! You know this!" He complained. Mor's smile instantly dropped and she looked like he just stole and killed her puppy.

"I'm sorry Proteus! It's her. I couldn't not keep her." Mor tried to reason.

"Well thanks to you, she's on her way to her funeral and her soulmate is fucking devastated." Proteus stressed.

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