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November 22nd 1421.

I held my baby closer to my chest as another blast of dark magic hit the castle. I made my way through the tunnels looking for my soulmate, Malachi.

He was an angel, son of Gabriel and I was a witch. Melynda Cast of the Royal Cast Coven. Being the headmistress of the biggest coven in the seven seas was not an easy fit. But with Malachi by my side everything was simple.

That is until now. The demoness Lilith has risen yet again from her prison in hell. Lucifer could not keep her there even if he wanted to. She was too powerful and had to perish by the hand of a pure soul.

Lilith asked for war, now here I am, making my way through the castle looking for my soulmate so we can hide our daughter and join the war.

A torch held tightly in my grasp, I scurried down a set of stone stairs to the dungeons. It was the best place to carry out the spell without interference.

Turning the corner, I saw Malachi and his cousin Lucas. Lucas was the son of Lucifer. He was previously a strong wizard in my coven before he died and came back as an angel and the Prince of Hell. He had adjusted to his new lifestyle quite well and even found his familiar, a wolf. The wolf's coat was ash brown and black and Lucas gave her the name Sydney. Quite unusual if you ask me.

Malachi turned at the sound of my footsteps and came to embrace me. He held me close before pulling back to inspect if I had any damage from the journey here.His gold eyes looked me over while his large arms held me at arms length.

"I'm fine Malachi." I told him.

He nodded and run a hand through his blonde locks.

"I know you are Melynda. How is our child?" He asked.

"She will be fine once we get her out of here." I said.

My chocolate brown eyes searched the dungeon for any danger. You never know when a demon lurks in the shadows. Malachi took our daughter from my hands and held her tight. Melody. A name fitting for an innocent soul just like hers.

Her skin was a shade of brown much lighter than my own. Black curly hair and large chocolate brown eyes identical to mine.

"She looks just like you. Beautiful." Malachi commented running a finger gently down her face.

"I know this is hard Malachi, but it is the best option we have. I have made the protection charm and I'm sure it will suppress her powers and keep her hidden for as long as possible." I told him.

Melody couldn't stay here where there was a war. She was too pure and innocent. There was no way she was going to die. Malachi and I had planned to keep her in the land of the fae until the war was over or until I died and the spell brought her back immediately.

There was a lot wrong with this idea for she could be stuck in the fae lands causing her to lose a lot of earth years. In the fae lands, time moves much faster and that worried me to no end.

"I have the spell prepared. We must do this now." I said strongly.

I gave Malachi time to be with his daughter for the last time as I drew a pentagon on the floor with chalk. This was hard on both of us. Lucas stood silently in the corner letting us have our moment. Sydney, the size of a horse, sat next to him quiet and alert. They were here for protection mostly.

Pouring salt over the lines of chalk, I muttered a spell to keep all evil out of the circle so in case I couldn't finish, Melody would be safe. I left a small space between the beginning and and the end.

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