1| My First Party

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I slammed my locker shut.

"Come on Melody. Please." My best friend Quinn begged.

"It's just this once and we'll never ask you again." Ellie my other best friend begged.

"Yeah plus it's your eighteen birthday, on Halloween. How can you not want to go to this party?" Quinn added.

I gave them both a straight look.

"I'm aware my birthday is tomorrow and I'm turning 18. It's just I don't want to party or anything." I said.

"Why not? I've known you since freshman year and you've never, not once, gone to a party. This could be it. Your party experience before high school is over." Ellie explained.

I turned and made my way through all the teenagers to the main entrance of the school.

"Guys, I just got my freedom. I moved out of Selena's house and have my own job and apartment. I-" Ellie cut me off.

"Another reason to celebrate. Our baby is all grown up, moved out of her aunt's house." She said.

"Aunt?" Quinn scoffed. "That woman was obsessed with cash. Like a worse version of Scrooge McDuck. Gold digging bitch." She grumbled.

I shrugged. She wasn't wrong...

"Please." Ellie begged.

"Please." Quinn added.

I looked them both in the eye. Quinn was a short petite girl with curly brown hair, tan skin and brown eyes with freckles across her face. Ellie was medium height, thin but curvy. She did pageants and has actually won a lot of them. Her white blonde hair and blue eyes stood out from a crowd and called for attention.

Quinn and Ellie were actually step sisters. They lived with their mom Bianca who was a really sweet woman. Their dads didn't give a shit about them and for that I will always hate them. I even help the girls destroy birthday presents they send. Good times.

"Still no." I confirmed.

I walked out of the school and started walking to my apartment. Quinn and Ellie were right behind me.

"What if I promised we would go trick or treating before the party?" Quinn said.

I stopped in my tracks. Tempting.

"But people don't trick or treat before halloween." I stated the obvious.

"Oh. Here we do. You're always going on vacation with Selena on Halloween so you wouldn't know." Ellie said.

"Ok... so we can go trick or treating..." I confirmed.

"Yeah and... you get to pick out the costume you like best from what we give you." Ellie added.

I sighed. "Fine." I said.

The girls squealed and jumped around. I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go to our place. Onward!" Ellie said shouting the last part.

We walked to their house which wasn't far from my apartment actually. Entering the house, it smelt like herbs and sage.

"Hello girls." Bianca greeted when she saw us at the door.

"Hey mom." The girls replied in unison.

"Hey Bianca." I greeted.

"So are you all getting ready for the party or is Melody still not going. I have this new book-" Bianca was cut off by Ellie.

"Mom, we love you but you are stealing our best friend." She complained.

I mean she wasn't wrong. Bianca was cool. We made our own two person book club that I love.

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