16| I Have A Familiar!

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"I'm joking." Lucas said smiling lightly.

My heart finally started beating again. I literally died for a second there. My shoulders sagged in relief.

"That's not funny." I grumbled.

"It's a bit funny. You should seen your face. It fell so fast." He said chuckling.

I glared at him because I was embarrassed. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to Lanis. She was looking at me, her gaze focused on my features. I drunk her in too. She was mine. I was hers.

I have a familiar. My heart leaped for joy before it stopped. Again.


"Oh my God! We forgot Sydney! Again!" I shouted turning to Lucas.

My chest heaved. I felt like I had just lost sight of my child. We left her in the cave! Omfg! I'm an awful person.

"She's fine." Lucas waved me off.

How? How is he so chill? I gave him my best glare. For good measure, I put my hands on my hips. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

A few seconds later, Sydney appeared, her tongue out of her mouth, grinning happily. I sighed in relief. Lanis pulled on the back of my shirt to get my attention away from Sydney.

When I turned, she was glaring at the poor wolf. Someone was jealous.

"It's ok girl, I love you more." I said running my hands on her snout.

She purred and closed her eyes. Then she started shrinking, her body size went from dangerous to cute puppy in a few seconds.

I cooed as I picked her up. She made small roaring noises that captured my heart. She climbed my chest and made a place for herself across my shoulders.

I patted her head which was on my right side. She sneezed and it caused fire to come out of her nose. I giggled. She was so cute.

Her attention turned to my necklace and she pulled on the black string. I pulled it out of her mouth but she managed to get the pendant and chew on it.

"Lanis stop. Its not..." Wait a second. "Hey Lucas?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He asked moving to stand beside me.

"My mother, did she see the future or something?" I asked.

"No. Why?" Lucas asked.

I pulled the pendant from Lanis and made my hand glow purple. Putting the light on it, the L glowed.

Lucas moved his head closer to see.

"It's on the other side too." I said turning it.

Lucas frowned at the pendant and it was the cutest thing I'd ever seen.

"At first, I thought it was L for Lucas, then that would've meant you would be able to unlock the grimoire or I would need you help. You were clueless and I say that in the best way possible." I tried reassuring. "Then I thought, L for love. But that would mean you and I, as soulmates together would be able to unlock it." It was so hard to not tell him I loved him right then. I thank my cowardice.

"So, L is for, Lanis." Lucas said sending a weird look to my familiar.

I nodded. "We try?" I asked.

Lucas nodded. I lifted the pendant to Lanis.

"Blow it up girl." I said.

Lanis opened her mouth, releasing a jet of fire to the pendant. Her fire was red and orange but it's tips were blue and purple. Beautiful.

As she blew, the pendant changed into a book.

I gasped. It was leather bound and looked pretty old. On the top was a pentagon. The book practically oozed magic.  As I opened it, I was greeted with the smell of dusty old books and brown pages.

Something fell out. It was a letter. Bending to pick it up, I inspected it. It had the word Melody, written in elegant cursive.

"Hold this for a second." I said passing the book to Lucas.

I opened the letter and read.

My dear Melody,

If you are reading this, that means I have perished from this world and sadly, so has your father. We want you to know we both loved you with all our hearts and giving you up was one of the hardest tasks we have had to do.

You may be scarred from the journey to the fae lands but I shall not apologise because it was better for you to be scarred than dead by Lilith's hands.

Listen carefully, there is a reason Lilith targeted us, the answers you seek lie within the pages of this book, and on the path you are on.

I'm not sure how you got Lanis unlock this for you, she is an old dragon, one of the first to walk this earth and a former member of my coven, our coven.

Malachi has just called for me which means I must depart.

When the battle draws near, don't forget to talk to the seer.

That is all I can help you with at the moment, I cannot give you more information. Stay sharp and be careful.

With all the love we can possibly give,
Melynda and Malachi

I let my hand fall as the words of the letter sunk into me. They knew. They knew this was bound to happen and they tried to keep me away from it as much as they could.

"Melody?" I looked over at Lucas and gave him a small smile.

I held out my arms for the book. He passed it to me and I held it in my arms.

I run my fingers over the top and smiled.

"The answer you seek lie within the pages of this book and the path you are on." I said. "We could actually do this Lucas, we could make this all end."

Lucas came and have me a hug, being mindful of the dragon around my shoulders.

"Of course we can, we're unstoppable." He said.

I giggled and pushed him off me. He gave me a full blown smile that took my breath away.

"Let's save the world." I said opening the pages of my mother's grimoire.

I know I know, I haven't published anything in a long time but here you go. Three fresh chapters. You're welcome.

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