19| Ellie, Quinn And Battle Strategies

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"Hey Lucas, I'll find you. I just need to grab something to eat." I told him.

He turned to me and  gave me a concerned look. "Sure. Be back as soon as you can." He said.

I nodded and turned to walk away but Lucas pulled me back and into his chest. He planted a sweet kiss on my lips before letting me go. I smiled at him and walked away.

I walked aimlessly around the camp, food no longer an issue. I just wanted to breathe. There were many people and familiars here. I passed a lot of shifters, some fae, vampires, more witches that wanted to start conversations but I escaped as fast as I could from them.

I didn't want to be next to anyone, I just wanted to sit somewhere and watch people, letting my thoughts wonder. And that is exactly what I did. I got a chair and placed it between some tents so I wasn't spotted so easily and kinda just... watched the crowd.

There were many people here. Even children. But they were all older, teenagers, like me. There were few smiles going around, most faces gloomy. They knew they would most likely die. I don't blame them.

I watched friends interact like this was their last time, it probably was. Then I saw them. At first, I wasn't sure it was actually them and my mind was playing tricks on me due to my sleep deprived and depressed state.

But when Ellie tripped and some shifter snickered and Quinn punched him in the nose, I knew I wasn't seeing things. They were here. I stood up and run towards them, the biggest smile on my face.

"Ellie! Quinn!" I shouted, my voice full of joy.

Both their heads snapped to me and their faces when from aggressive, to shocked, to ecstatic in a millisecond.

"Melody!" They both cheered running towards me.

We met together in a crash of limbs and laughter.

"What are you doing here?!" I exclaimed.

"What are we doing here? What are you doing here?" Ellie asked.

"I'm the violet witch. I'm supposed to be here."

"Really?! You?!" Quinn exclaimed.

"Wow, hold on to your excitement." I sassed.

"Well Quinn and I are witches." Ellie said.

"You are?" I asked. They both nodded. Then tears started falling.

"I'm sorry I left... I just didn't know you guys were witches... you would've helped a lot." I said.

"We should've told you, we wanted to but..." Ellie cried.

"We're sorry." Quinn said.

"And I'm sorry." I said.

I opened my arms with a laugh-cry and they hugged me and we cried together. Then, we were all pulled apart.

My back collided with a warm chest which I know is Lucas'. Ellie was in the arms of another guy. He had dark hair and even darker eyes and his skin was paler than Snow White. Quinn was in the arms of a guy who looked like a duplicate of Ellie's guy but his hair was a rich brown.

"What's wrong?" All three men asked in unison.

Ellie, Quinn and I made eye contact before we burst out laughing. My stomach aches as I sneezed but the laughter didn't seem to die down.

"We... you...." Ellie wheezed.

"And... they... it's so funny...." Quinn wheezed.

"You.... guys... so stupiddd!" I laughed.

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