4| Explanations And Heartbeats

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I woke up to my head pounding and the sun shining its stupid ass in my face. I groaned. I so didn't want to get up.

"Melody?" I heard a deep husky voice call.

I hummed.

"Melody you need to wake up." The voice said.

"I'm awake." I grumbled sinking into my bed further.

"Melody." The voice dared to call.

"I said I'm awake so go away!" I snapped.

"Melody." I grunted in annoyance and sat up.

I blinked and rubbed my eyes adjusting them to the light. When my vision cleared, I saw Lucas sitting at the edge of my bed. In the light of the morning sun, I could see him clearly.

His chiseled jaw, full lips and slightly crooked nose made his features seem more unnatural. His steel grey eyes focused on my own making my heart pitter patter. His black hair was shorter on the sides but longer in the middle allowing dark curls to fall in his eyes.

He was still wearing the long sleeved black t shirt of last night and dark jeans. His wings curled around his back and Sydney was sleeping next to me on my bed. That explained why my bedsheets were being restricted.

Suddenly, last night's events came to mind and I groaned. I was kinda hoping it was all a dream. I rubbed my temples. A cup came into my line of sight, it has a glowing green liquid in it.

I looked up at Lucas who was handing it to me. I looked between him and the cup.

He rolled his eyes. "It's not poisoned or anything, it's just a potion to help you with the headache." He explained.

"Right, just a potion from a Prince of hell to help with my hangover. Not weird at all." I said but took the cup anyway. I gulped it down.

It tasted like toothpaste and was warm.

"You know, you suck at this whole 'Introduce Melody to the witch world thing' . How do you come up to a girl and just say... 'Hi I'm Lucas, this is Sydney, I'm the prince of hell and your a witch.'" I said the last part in a deep voice.

Lucas scratched the back of his head. "I've not had human contact in a while." He said.

"I guessed." I said.

He blushed. I smiled internally. I made the Prince of hell blush.

I sighed. "Explain to me this whole thing." I said.

I looked around to realise we were in my room, in my apartment. Plain walls I had not decorated yet, a dresser, nightstand, bean bag chair, boxes still waiting for me to unpack them.

"Starting with how you know where I live." I added.

I leaned back to the headboard so he could have more room to sit. He lifted his legs off the edge and crossed them. I pushed some hair out of my eyes and realized I still had my party outfit on, thank God.

Sydney snored. I run a hand over her head. Her fur was so soft.

"I think to understand, I'll start from the beginning when angels and humans lived together. Angels could freely come from heaven and visit humans, procreate and so on. Then, soulmates came along. " he explained.

"Soulmates?" I asked.

"Yes, the person meant for you. Your soulmate can be anyone, so each group of soulmates has a way of finding each other. It could be by locking eyes, a single touch or brush of skin, a kiss. Then once you find each other, you each get a heart tattoo over where your heart lies to show it. " he said.

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