15| Nightmares Can Come To Life

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Passing through the block was like passing through jello. At least I think so, I've never passed through jello so I wouldn't know but you get the idea.

On the other side, what I saw would change my perspective on magic forever.

"It's a forest. A whole darn forest." I mumbled.

And it was. Tall trees surrounded us, their leaves a rich dark green colour. The grass was wild but short, green as can be. Fog surrounded us, if you looked closely you could actually see the small water molecule things floating about. The sky, which I couldn't see, still seemed bright and... perfect.

It was all prefect. Perfectly familiar. My heart started beating rapidly in my chest and I couldn't breathe.

"We're in the fae lands." Lucas said.

Could you be more obvious? I asked him sarcastically in my head. Outside, I was hyperventilating. Lucas seemed to realise my situation and tried to calm me down.

Then I heard it. It was a squawk but a scream.

"Chicken ladies." I whispered at the same time Lucas whispered "Harpies."

Lucas grabbed my hand and started pulling me through the forest. I followed, my flight or fight instincts encouraging me to be a scared bunny.

"I'm haunting your ass for this Lucas." I said to him.

He chuckled. So not the time. He took turns and dodged trees like he knew where we where going.

"Where are you running to?" I gasped out.

I was seriously out of shape and hated running. With passion.

"Eden. It's not far from here, we are somewhere in the edge of the fae lands." Lucas stated like I asked him what the time was.

"Eden?! Like, Adam and Eve Eden?" I shouted.

He simply nodded. That's it? A nod? He's taking me to Eden! Omg! I'm going to Eden! All my sins run through my mind. Uh....

Lucas found a path that seemed to appear from nowhere. Then I felt the same magic I felt in the cave.

The fae lands were giving out magic for sure but it's seemed wild, uncontrolled, unsafe. The one of the cave seemed calm, tame.

Lucas reached an intersection. The magic was leading to the left but he seemed to be going right. I dug my heels into the ground.

Because Lucas was holding my hand, he felt my reluctance and stopped, turning to face me.

"What? We're almost there." He said quickly.

"I know but the magic, the one from the cave, it's leading me there. We have to go." I said pointing left.

Lucas turned to where I was pointing, to me and back again.

"There's nothing." He stated.


"There's literally nothing but trees there Melody." He said.

I frowned at him then growled in annoyance. I did not like being the only one who sees shit.

"Do you trust me?" I asked him.

"Yes." He answered without hesitation.


I pulled him left. Oh Lord, I hope I'm not making a mistake.


We've been walking on this path for hours and we've come across nothing. Nada. Zilch. But the magic continues to grow as we move. Or as I move since I'm the only one who can see the path.

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