9| Training

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When I woke up, Lucas wasn't next to me and I panicked. I shot up and looked around. It was almost day time.

Sydney wasn't there either so I crawled out of the tent and I saw Lucas standing in front of it, starting at the horizon. I went and stood next to him.

Then, the sun peaked out of the sky and covered it in pinks and oranges. It was beautiful.

"We're training today." Lucas said.

"What?" I asked. "I though we were going to the Antique store."

"We will go there tomorrow. Today, you train." He said.

"But-" he cut me off.

"No buts. We are training today and that's final. Plus what is we run into trouble at the store." He asked.

"I'm trained in different forms of martial arts like, kung fu, jujitsu..." I said listing them down on my fingers.

"How?" He asked obviously confused.

"Well there was this hot rich guy that run a martial arts studio for kids. My aunt made me go so she could get close to him. I actually liked the classes and stayed even when she failed to get his attention." I explained.

"Well, that makes my work easier." He said.


"Spread your legs a bit wider." Lucas instructed.

I had changed into leggings and a tank top after our little chat and Lucas decided to first see my moves.

"Lucas, your seeing my moves not perfecting them. I know what I'm doing." I said.

He sighed but nodded and got into his stance. I attacked first with a flying fist which he dodged.

I sent him punches and kicks, which he would either dodge or block. His tactic was to learn how I fight and use it against me. I use calculated moves to fight but I instead changed to fast and quick to throw Lucas off a bit.

Then it finally happened. He fought back, catching my fist in his hand and twisting it behind my back. He pulled me causing my back to hit his chest. I threw my head back and hit his nose. He cursed but still held on.

I brought my foot down on his and threw my head back again. This time, he let go. I went a few inches in front of him a and we circled each other.

"Not bad." He commented.

"I know." I said running at him with a roundhouse kick.

He grabbed my leg before it reached his head and flipped me so I fell in my back. I quickly rolled away and turned to see him about to land on me.

He landed on the ground beside me and I quickly jumped on his back and circled my hands around neck. He wiggled and managed to get out of the lock and flipped us over so he was on top of me.

I loosened my limbs and breathed heavily, my chest rising and falling with each breath. I looked up into Lucas' grey eyes and he smirked.

"Good luck next time." He said. I rolled my eyes and pushed him off.

"I don't need luck." I said charging at him.


Lucas and I had been sparring for half the day and my body is incredibly sore. He wanted us to switch to me learning defensive magic.

"Now, your magic isn't like any other. It's ancient, raw, powerful. You don't need spells and that's where you get your advantage. First, shots." He said.

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