14| Mood Swings And Magic

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"Ok, I'm taking down the ward." I said holding my arms out.

Lucas and I had managed to get up and out of the tent. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done and I've ever let my phone reach 39%.

I took a deep breath and imagined a big needle. It appears and I pressed it on the ward and it popped. Ancient magic rushed past us. It was so much it pushed me about six feet back.

I inhaled, taking the magic into my lungs and my body.

"Melody!" I looked up to see Lucas in front of me, shaking my shoulders .

"What!" I snapped.

Then I realized what I did. "I'm sorry for snapping it just, this magic..." I said trailing off.

I inhaled sharply and released a breath. Every time the magic entered my system, I felt like I was on a high. My own brand of heroin.

"What magic Melody?" Lucas asked calmly.

"That raw, ancient, powerful..." I took in another deep breath. " addicting magic. " I said.

"Melody... there's no magic." Lucas said his brows creased.

"What?" I asked. " of course there is, it's everywhere all around, in every molecule... " I explained.

"I don't feel it. At all. Not even Sydney or my wizard magic." Lucas said.

He placed both hands on either of my cheeks and looked concerned into my eyes.

"I'm fine! It's you with issues!" I snapped slapping his hands away.

My breathing was heavy but when Lucas took a step back its when I came back to my senses.

"I'm sorry Lucas. I am... it's just, this magic, it's so much, so powerful, so confusing. Make it stop." I said tears spilling down my cheeks.

Lucas sighed. "What can you tell me about the magic?" He asked.

I looked into his eyes and grinned happily. "It's awesome, I feel everything and it only seems to get stronger and stronger and stronger... it's so funny." I said laughing my ass off.

"Ok. If it's gets stronger, follow that." Lucas instructed.

"I know that prick! Move!" I said rabidly pushing last him.

He muttered something his breath that I didn't quite catch and he followed behind me with Sydney.


The magic was messing with my emotions and let's just say it was an interesting walk. I would go from happy to scared in a split second. Or from angry to sad, sad to disgusted, disgusted to bratty...

I feel bad for Lucas because he had to endure all my mood changes and it got worse the stronger the magic got.

"Lucas?" I asked timidly.

"Yes?" He sounded so exhausted. Poor guy.

"Thank you. For helping and sticking with me. I'm not the most manageable of people at times." I said laughing lightly.

The orbs of light flew in front of us, lighting the way. I jumped over another big rock and ducked under a spider web. I shivered.

I hate spiders. And with the height of this cave, these spiders must be the size of a car. Lord help us not to run into them.

"You can say that again." He mumbled.

I shrunk into myself. I hated this feeling of relying on some else's opinion of me, trying to change to be better. I was... vulnerable.

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