17| He's My Great Great Grandpa, I Think

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I turned the pages, and turned them, and turned them and guess what else... turned them. All I was seeing was spells from different rituals and stuff.

"What am I looking for?" I asked.

"I'm not sure but you'll know it when you find it." Lucas said.

Wow, that makes me feel so much better. (Notice the sarcasm please) I continued turning the pages till I reached the end.

There, was a family tree. Huh. I looked at each and everyone on the tree. All soulmates were repressed by roses and chosen mates with a daisy. In the whole Cast history, there has only been one coincidence of a chosen mate but that was eons ago.

The tree dated to this year, I found my name among the 1400 part of the tree. At least I was in the tree.

"Let's keep going. The answer we seek is on the path we are on right?" Lucas asked.

I nodded. "Great idea."

We started walking.

"What do you think we will find?" I asked.

"I'm not sure Melody, we could find a spell, an item with some sort of power or-" I cut him off.

"A coffin." I said.

In front of us was a coffin. It was like the one Snow white had. Glass so you could see who was inside with flowers around it.

Lucas and I shared a look before walking into the clearing where there was just a random coffin lying around. That's not creepy at all.

Standing over the coffin, we looked at the person inside.

He had smooth brown skin and short curly hair, high cheek bones a that were sharp and chiseled, his eyes were closed. He was an angel, white wings with royal blue at the end, surrounding him like a cocoon. He had on only white pants leaving his glorious upper half for show. I wasn't disappointed.

Conclusion, he was hot in that otherworldly way.

Then something caught my attention, something that scarred my teenage mind for the rest of my life.

"He's breathing!" I screamed jumping into Lucas. And that he was, the continuous rise and fall of his chest very visible.

This is so not creepy. A guy in a glass coffin, in the middle of the woods in the fae lands breathing is totally normal. The next thing you know, parents say Tv is good for their children.

Lucas wrapped his arms around my scared form.

"Wait a second. I've seen him. Somewhere." I said. The only pictures I've seen since this started was those I had to jump from.

"The grimoire." Lucas said. I gasped and pulled it out.

"Of course. My family tree." I said. Searching the tree, I found him.

"Anthony. He was an angel, Angel of peace and love actually, he's the only one here with a chosen mate." I said.

Lucas was walking around the coffin, inspecting it. He mumbled something and his hands glowed gold. He run them over the coffin. He cursed and took a deep breath.

Tendrils of black appeared and joined the gold in their search. I'm not sure what I was supposed to do, but I helped him. I extended my violet magic to join his and they mixed together in a beautiful spectrum of colour, running over the coffin.

Then a small spot faintly glowed red before disappearing. Lucas dropped his hands.

"The only witch I know if with red magic is in some small coven in Alaska, any other being with red magic is, Lilith." Lucas said. "the witch in Alaska is actually her descendant."

"It couldn't be her could it?" I asked.

Lucas shook his head. "It's definitely Lilith's. But why is he here?" He asked.

My eyes widened. "He's her soulmate." I said.

Lucas' eyes widened too. "Of course! No one knew who her soulmate was because every angel knows when another has died, if he's not dead, no one would suspect him." He said.

"It also explains which Lilith hates me so much. I mean I am the great great great great great great great grandchild of the woman her soulmate chose over her. And it also explains why she's so powerful." I said.

Lucas nodded. "You can't live without your soulmate once you find them and if you do, and they die, your too weak to do anything but wait for death." He said. I

"But why where we brought here? Why did we have to find him?" I asked stroking Lanis.

Lucas sighed. "I don't know Melody but we keep this between us." He said.

I nodded in agreement. This was something groundbreaking. It could change the course of fate as we know it.

"We should go to Eden." Lucas said.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"You have many people to meet."


"I'm not going!" I said stomping my feet.

According to Lucas, the entrance to Eden was just behind this glowing portal we found in the middle of nowhere. He thinks we should go in. I don't think so.

"Melody." Lucas sighed.

"I'm nervous Lucas. I've not been the most perfect person." I said thinking back to all the bad things I did.

"You don't have to be perfect. You just have to be brave enough to cross to the other side." He said.

I didn't want to. I really didn't. I looked at the portal. If I thought about it more, I wouldn't go. So I did what any person would do. I just moved my damn legs until I was over to then other side, not stopping once.

The other side was beautiful. There were skeletons of fallen warriors on the ground before me but they had flowers growing in them. The sun was shining brightly and there were butterflies flying, bees buzzing, birds chirping. It was beautiful and d?eadly.

There was a waterfall a few meters ahead with a river continuing on in the distance. Everything about this place screamed perfect but not in the way the fae lands did.

My muscles relaxed as I took in the fresh air. Lucas appeared next to me and Sydney followed right after. Lanis flew off her spot on my shoulders and chased a butterfly. Sydney shrunk to the size of a normal dog and followed her.

"Wow." I breathed.

"Welcome to the entrance of Eden." A voice rung out.

Those are words I'd never thought I'd hear.

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