23| ...Is Just The Beginning

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I held Melody closer to my body as I felt our soulmate bond slowly fade away. My heart broke into pieces as the last breath slipped passed her lips.

Have you ever felt like your soul is being squeezed so tight you can't breathe? Like the world around you is tilting and you're falling and falling but never seeming to land? Like a volcano has erupted in the depths of your heart bringing only depression and anger with it?

That's what I felt like. I was so lost, so angry, so sad, so broken...

605 years. Six hundred and five. I have longed for a soulmate. When I found her, I couldn't keep her safe and alive for a week. She sacrificed herself, for me, I didn't need that from her yet she still delivered.

Melody's friends landed beside me, taking in her motionless form, screaming and crying. Even when their soulmates held them, noting could ease the ache of a lost friend, a lost lover, a lost soulmate.

All I could do was remember the times we had together. It was so short but memories played in my head, everything as clear as day.


"Magic isn't real..." The girl in front of me said.

Is she serious?

"After all you've seen today do you really believe that Melody?" I asked.

"I..." She was at a loss of words.

I watched as Sydney appeared and she petted him. I couldn't stop the warm feeling that spread throughout my body. Her eyes snapped to mine and she looked me over.

She looked so much like Melynda but much more beautiful.


"Play along." I whispered quickly in Melody's ear before going to stand behind her and wrapping both my arms around her waist.

I rested my head on her shoulder and glared at Henry. I knew I had to help somehow when I heard this guy disturbing her and this, instead of killing him in front of her, seemed like the best option.

Her warm body against mine sent unwanted thoughts through my mind but I couldn't help it. She was beautiful, smart, sexy, feisty...

Henry scoffed. "She ain't your girlfriend so fuck off." He said.

I kissed Melody's exposed shoulder and she shuddered. I internally smiled. I love how she tried to hide her reactions to my touch. It was quite amusing.

My eyes connected with Henry's. I'll be sure to torture him for a long time when he goes to hell.

"I'd beg to differ asshole. She's mine." I said and I was starting to believe it.

I left Melody at our table and went to ask the waitress if they could do anything for her. I felt bad her birthday was ruined so hopefully this makes up for everything.

The waitress apparently was trying to seduce me so I just used my compulsion on her. I had no time for her shit.

Melody didn't seem to trust me after I got back, she was hurt, I could see it but it couldn't do anything but act ignorant.

It was all worth it when she sent me a huge smile, her eyes filled with so much joy it melted my heart when the cake was brought. This beautiful witch was going to be the death of me. I could feel it.


Melody screamed in joy as I held her in my arms, flying across the night sky. She clung to me as tight as she could and I wasn't complaining.

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