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Seventeen years have passed and I couldn't be much happier. My mom's grimoire was still with Mary's corpse and I suppose it was best left there for the time being.

Ellie, Quinn and I had kept in touch and are still closer than ever. Ellie now has two children, both girls, Ellenora, who is 16 and Dellilah, who is 8. Dimitri has his hands full with all the girls in the house that's for sure.

Quinn has four children, three boys and a girl. King, who is 16, Kyle, who is 14, Ryder who is 10 and little Rachel who is 5. Dominic couldn't be more happy with all the testosterone in the house while Quinn and Rachel have to bare with it all.

I, on the other hand have five kids. Liam and Lucian, my twin boys who are 16, Logan who is 13, lastly, my twin baby girls, Melissa and Melanie who are 11. They all look alike! Same light brown skin but all inherited their father's grey eyes.

I heard my bedroom door creak open and I tensed at the same time Lucas did. We have been living in the underworld since the day I parted with my friends. As much as I love it here, I don't think some of the servant trolls love my pranks.

"Mummy?" I heard a whisper.

I removed my head from Lucas' chest, looking over my wings to see Melissa and Melanie standing at the foot of my bed. They had not yet gotten their wings much to my disappointment. I really wanted them to join my flying with Lucas.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"We can't sleep. Can we stay here? Please?" Melissa asked.

Normally, I would tell them not to be so scared and send them to their bed but I was too tired. I just moved away from Lucas who sighed and made room for them in the middle.

Once they were in, my eyes closed but someone else opened the door and came in. I squeezed my eyes shut. Someone really wants to die!

"Hey Dad? Can we stay here too?" I heard Logan ask.

He was smart not to ask me. I could feel the presence of his older brothers in here too. What was this? A slumber party.

"Sure. Love, move over." He said to me.

I grumbled under my breath but did as asked. They are disturbing my sleep! My well needed sleep!

Eventually, we were all settled in, my whole family in one huge bed.

"Lucian, Liam, why are you here? You're 16 for angel's sake!" I grumbled.

"Love, let them be. They are our kids." Lucas mumbled.

"Your too soft on them."

"Your too hard."

"That's what she said." Lucian and Liam whispered.

"Ok! That's it!" I said getting up.

Lucian and Liam quickly run out of the bed, me right behind them. They laughed and so did I as I chased them through the castle.

Then, I was tackled to the ground and Lucas was on top of me. Logan, Melissa and Melanie run past us, also giggling.

I huffed and looked into Lucas' eyes. The same grey I loved. He had grown a beard that he trims close to his face and gives him a more mature look. He kissed me and my heart still beat as fast as it did when he first kissed me.

My mind was in a haze so I didn't realise when he got off and run with our children away from me, laughing their butts off. I got up and brushed off my nightgown. I cracked my knuckles and shook my wings out. I smiled brightly as I chased after them.

I'm going to catch them all.


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