20| Keep It Safe

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I fastened my chest plate. The crew and I had been led to the armory where we received battle armour and will soon go get weapons.

"Let me help you." Lucas said coming over.

His amour was perfect, it even let his wings pop out. He looked like a real knight. A hot knight. He came over and helped me with my amour. He kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around my waist.

Our foreheads rested on each other as we soaked in the moment. Damn armour was hindering my mojo though. 

"If I had my way, you would be locked up in a safe house somewhere millions miles away from here." He whispered.

"Sorry but you don't have your way." I whispered back with a smile.

He sighed. "Be safe out there Melody. I just found you, I can't live without you." He said.

I nodded. "I'll try as hard as I can to be safe but you must promise me you will live ok?" Lucas nodded. A lump rose in my throat with my next words. " If I die, I want you to move on, but never forget me ok? Find your other soulmate, I'm sure they will bless you with another one. And take care of Lanis and-"

Lucas cut me off with a kiss. I pulled him as close as I could, trying to take as much of him and this perfect moment as possible.

"Don't think that, don't say that and I do not promise anything." He growled.

I didn't nod or answer. I couldn't. Lucas kissed me again.

"We have to go get weapons." He said pulling back. I nodded and took a few steps away from him.

Lanis burped from her spot on my shoulder. Maybe I shouldn't have given her all that chicken. I was about to follow Lucas when something caught my eye.

It was a black blob, moving into the forest at the side of camp. When the person turned, I was surprised to see it was Mary.

"Hey Lucas, I think I left something of mine in the armory, I'll be with you soon." I said moving backwards.

"Sure Melody. Hurry up." He called over his shoulder.

Once he was far enough, I followed Mary. I hated lying to Lucas but there are things I had to tell Mary that he didn't need to concern himself with. She was the last piece of my plan that I had not told Lucas.

He will hate me after this but I don't care as long as he is safe. This whole journey, I've learnt a lot. About love, friendship and mostly sacrifice.

Everywhere I went, there was something to learn, a clue to see, a word to follow. And I've finally put it all together.

I caught up with Mary and we walked in silence for a while. It was comforting and helped me to finally reflect on everything I knew.

Mary stopped and looked at me, well the space beside me, "You figured it out.... how?" She asked.

I smiled. "It wasn't that hard, all the clues were there, the lone brick wall where I got my powers, the empty house whose backyard we are in, the fly with Lucas, the jungle, the cave and the magic that was there, the fae lands, Anthony, Eden..." I chuckled. "You're one sneaky bitch." I said.

Mary chuckled and continued moving. "I left all those clues for the others but they never figured it out, they never saw the importance of it all... until you." She said sending me a smile.

"If you don't mind, can I walk with you?" I asked moving back a bit.

We were getting far from camp and she was walking with purpose. I felt like I was intruding something.

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