25| Graduation Presents

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"It's settled. We tell them today after we throw our caps in the air." Ellie said.

Today was graduation and the girls and I had stayed at my apartment alone, much to the dismay of our soulmates, for the night. I had already paid my dept for sacrificing myself without telling the girls. I had to go to every single party they had. At first, it was pure torture thinking of what had happened on the eve of my birthday but I slowly eased into it and I actually had fun.

The girls and I had become considerably close to our soulmates over the few weeks. Maybe too much...

"Why today? We have to celebrate. Why don't we tell them tomorrow when the fun has died down." Quinn reasoned.

"That doesn't make any fucking sense." I complained throwing my arms in the air.

"We tell them when we are celebrating so we have more to be happy about. It seems like a good idea." Ellie advised slipping into her blue graduation gown.

Quinn picked hers off the couch and started putting it on but stopped half way to blink back tears. "What if... oh my God... I can't..."

"Quinn, don't cry or I'm going to cry and my make-up is finally done." I said looking up at the roof of my apartment and blinking back tears.

"I'm not crying." Quinn stressed in a thick voice.

"You are!" Ellie accused fighting her own tears.

Ok, if you want to understand, we have to go back to like ten days ago when Ellie forced us to have a triple date with our soulmates...

I sat at the table, sipping my smoothie while the others talked. I noticed Quinn wasn't laughing as much as she usually does and Ellie was barely talking.

Something's up with them and even though I found out something yesterday that is totally ground breaking, I had to think of my friends too. They have been here for me since I could remember, maybe they will help me.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I announced giving Quinn a secret look.

"I'm going too." She said following after me.

"Be right back." Ellie mumbled following us.

We entered the bathroom which thankfully was empty and I put a sound proofing spell around the three of us. Just in case.

"What's going on with you two?" I asked.

"What is going on with you?! You barely said something funny at the table." Ellie said. I had to get it out. Just say the words and let it off your chest. The girls won't judge me. Right?

"I'm pregnant." I whisper screamed.

There was a beat of silence before...

"Oh thank the angels." Quinn gasped.

"Thank the angels? I'm freaking out here!" I hissed.

"I'm pregnant too." Our heads turned to see a blushing Ellie.

"What?!" Quinn and I exclaimed.

"Wait, let me get this straight, we are all pregnant?" Quinn asked.

Both Ellie and I looked at her. "You mean to tell me you have a bun in the oven too?" I asked her. Quinn nodded.

"We are all pregnant and neither of us had told our mates. To be honest, I don't know how to." I said.

"I know. I mean we are still teens and this is just so sudden." Ellie said. I can't believe it.

"You guys didn't think of actually getting pregnant in the moment did you?" Quinn asked.

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