2| Just Like Cinderella

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I held a squirrel in my hand.

"Sandy Cheeks, bikini bottom needs you." I told her.

She nodded with a squeak and I threw her into the ocean.

"Melody!" Quinn and Ellie came running to me.

"What?" I slurred.

"It's spongebob. He's stuck in his pineapple." Ellie said panicked and Quinn held up a pineapple.

I gasped.

"Wait here. I'll go get a knife and we can cut him out. Find Patrick." I told them.

They nodded. I stumbled into the house. I really regret wearing these ankle boots. I was singing the spongebob theme song as I swayed.

I danced to the deep base music that was blasting through the house. I was completely drunk. Scratch that, I was wasted.

Suddenly, I was pushed to a wall and I giggled.

"Hey baby girl." Someone whispered in my ear.

"I'm not a baby. I'm turning 18 tomorrow. In like twenty minutes. Duh." I said.

The guy chuckled. He was wearing a fireman costume.

"Oooooo. Fireman. Wee woo wee woo. " I slurred.

I smelt alcohol in his breath. That probably wasn't a good sign but I was too out of it. He started kissing my neck.

"Stop. Stop. That's so ew." I said disgusted.

I tried to push him off but it didn't work. I tried harder. He roughly grabbed my arms and pinned them together. I tried wiggling but it was no use.

"Stop moving." He snarled angrily.

Where's the moves from self defense class when you need them? I wiggled harder and his grip on my arms loosed. I removed one arm and grabbed his hair and pulled. Hard. He grunted and moved back.

I took that opportunity to bolt. I pushed the fireman off me and made a beeline for the door. I managed to get out and run down the street. My breath was coming in hard pants and my chest ached.

I really should exercise more. I stopped and slowed to a walk. There were people still out, trick or treating and there was no way in hell I was going to cry here. In front of all these kids.

But no matter how hard I tried, stray tears rolled down my cheeks. Bastards. I continued walking using my huge hair as a curtain. My boots clicked on the pavement, making me cringe at the loud sound.

I walked for a long time. I didn't know where I was, how I could get back or who would help me. Ellie and Quinn were still wasted so they wouldn't be of any use.

I tried wiping away the tears but all I saw was mascara. This meant it was all over my face. That made my eyes burn more. Please don't leak. I begged them.

I'd have time to cry in the shower, at home, alone. Then I realized something. I was the only one out on this street. There were mansions, yes, but then place seemed dead. Void of life and happiness. Kinda like my soul. Tehehehe. Souls.

Guess I'm still a bit drunk. I pulled my phone out of my bra. I checked the time. 11:56 p.m. Four minutes to my eighteenth birthday and Halloween. Joy. Feel free to notice the sarcasm.

I sighed and put my phone back. I should have called for a cab or something. I stopped at a wall that was filled with posters and graffiti. Why it's in the middle of a place with nice mansions beats me.

I removed my witch's hat and threw it in some bushes. Tears leaked out of my eyes and I tried in vain to blink them away. I continued walking.

A sob slipped out of my mouth. Followed by another and another. They just didn't stop. I walked down the street, hugging myself and sobbing. What a way to celebrate your near birthday huh? Lost and feeling violated?

As I was walking, I was suddenly hit with a strong force. I stumbled backwards. I breathed deeply as my body heated up. Was I going to pass out? I pulled out my phone to call someone. It was 12:00 a.m. The heat in my body increased and my grip on the phone loosened but I didn't let it go. It was my lifeline.

My body started shaking as the heat increased even more. I gasped for breath. I fell to the ground and my body shook. My eyes rolled to the back of my head but still remained open.

The shaking only got worse. Was I having a seizure?

Then I felt something break. Kinda like when you wake up and pop a bone. The relief is short lived but instant. That's exactly how I felt.

I felt like my whole body needed that pop all its life. Like I was finally free. I sighed in satisfaction but when I opened my eyes, violet fog was coming out of my hands. I got up and tried to rub it off but my movements only caused more fog yo come out.

What the hell?

I stood up and shook my hands out harder. What is this? The violet fog wrapped around my legs. My white dress started changing colour from white to violet.

The colour started from the end working it's way up. I shrieked and tried to rub the colour off. It didn't work. Urgh!

Suddenly, I heard a growl and I froze. Turning slowly on my heel, I saw two icy blue eyes stare back at me from the fog. It pulled it's mouth back showing sharp teeth. The thing was fucking huge. Like a damn horse.

I turned and run. No way in hell I was figuring out what that was. I'm not some idiot in a horror movie. Up ahead, I saw a figure.

It was tall, about 6'5", black wings visible from behind it. It tilted its head and that's when I lost it. I screamed bloody murder. I changed my direction.

My violet fog was everywhere. It made it hard to see but I could use this to my advantage. I was shorter than the two. My 5'8" ass was going to be my saviour.

I increased the fog. It covered the top of my head. Stumbled through the fog and my ears caught the sound of paws hitting the pavement a few yards away from me and the flapping of wings.

My fingers grazed something. Touching it more, I realized it was the graffiti wall. I crouched down and settled behind it. I slowed my breathing so the beast thing couldn't smell my fear or hear my heart. Could it even do that?

My gaze darted upwards to a big poster of London. It was moving. Well, the violet fog was making it move. What?

I reached out to touch it and my fingers went through. I gasped. Then silence.

Shit. I was too loud. I heard thump of steps coming at me. I panicked so I did the only thing my mind came up with at that moment.

I jumped through the poster.

Violet WitchWhere stories live. Discover now