5| Starting Our Journey

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I stepped out of Lucas' arms and cleared my throat pretending I wasn't affected.

"Back to the discussion yeah?" I asked.

He nodded and removed the leash from Sydney's neck. She huffed and increased in size. I watched in fascination as her muscles seemed to just grow.

She strutted into the living room and dropped on my loveseat couch. Diva. I went and sat on the arm rest and Lucas leaned against the wall.

"So... your a fallen angel or...." I asked with pure curiosity.

"No. My father, Lucifer, he's an angel but in charge of the underworld. I didn't know my mother but grew up with my aunt and uncle. They were great people. I was a wizard. A darn good one too but I died in battle." My heart dropped to my butt. " Then, I didn't know my dad was an angel and he didn't know he had a son so you can imagine the shock we both had when I turned into an angel after death. He helped me through the transition though and we got along great. " he explained.

I swallowed hard. The fact that he died was not sitting well with me.

"But, if your angel, why are your wings black." I asked.

He sighed and got off the wall. He took a deep breath and begin to change. His shirt disappeared leaving full view of his six pack and the tattoos that run on the whole of his right arm and part of his chest.

His wings appeared and went from black to white. They looked so soft. His jeans turned to white pants and his shoes disappeared. Light emitted from his body. A halo. He walked over to me where I was seated gaping at his new transformation and maybe his body too.

He leaned down "I like my wings black cause it fits the image." He whispered looking into my eyes.

I gulped. I looked closer at the tattoos on his arm. They looked like runes. I wanted to reach out and trace them. But sadly, I didn't. Instead I reached out to touch his wings but he moved back a bit.

"Touching an angel's wings is kinda intimate." He said clearing his throat.

"Oh. Uh. Sorry." I said retracting my hand.

There was uncomfortable silence for a while until I couldn't take it anymore and blurted the first thing I could think of.

"So I'm guessing I have to stop Lilith right?" I said.

Lucas nodded. He turned his wings back to black and his halo vanished. For the benefit of my eyes, he left his shirt off but turned the white pants to sweatpants that hung generously low on his hips.
The air turned from awkward to serious in a millisecond.

Lucas rubbed a hand down his face. "Yeah pretty much."

I sighed. "How?" I asked.

"According to the research I've made over the years, there is a spell that could kill Lilith." He said.

"Great! Where is it?" I said.

"I don't know." He muttered.


"But... this necklace was your mother's. She wanted you to have it." He said making a necklace appear from thin air.

It was simple and cute. A thin black rope and a pentagram made of silver having from it.

I carefully removed it from his hands and held it in mine like it was a new born baby.

"She said she used a spell to disguise her grimoire into the pendant and that if you managed to reverse the spell, you should read it." He said softly.

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