22| The End...

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There was nothing but chaos all around me. Swords clashed and blood flew in the air. The only thing that I could clearly see was Lilith's green snake like eyes glaring at me with malice. I glared right back.

She couldn't go against the oath. She would die. I took hope in that. At least my friends were safe.

"Smart, smart little witch, but not smart enough. You didn't mention anything of your well being in the oath." She tsked.

"I know."

I used my little magic to create a battle axe. I twirled it in my hands. Lilith smirked and made her black nails grow longer. Ok then. We charged at each other but before we met, she mumbled a quick spell that send me flying in the air. I created a shield around me, moments before I crashed out of the castle, into the chaotic field outside. I landed on a demon, groaning in pain.

I quickly got up and sliced it's head off. In the corner of my eye, I saw Lucas battling with Dracula, Ellie, Quinn, Dimitri and Dominic were all fighting Morgana.

I turned my attention to Lilith who was flying at me with bat-like wings on her back. I grabbed the axe firmly in my hand, spun a few times and let it go in her direction. I managed to cut her shoulder and the axe came back. Point one Melody.

I grabbed the axe swung it in a wide arc in front of me when Lilith came near. She growled at me and shouted something I couldn't catch.

The ground beneath me shook and I stumbled. Lilith took that opportunity to come back and drag her nails along my back. I gasped as pain consumed my being. The smell of blood was so strong. I just hoped Lucas couldn't smell it and the spell I had put on our soulmate bond held back all the pain I was feeling.

I used my magic to heal the wounds but they still hurt. The ground had stopped shaking but something felt wrong. Like there was a-

The ground behind me exploded, sending me flying forward. When I looked up, there was a huge dragon worm thing, it's head about forty feet wide and it's worm like body disappearing into the ground. My eyes widened.

Class four demon.

It roared, bearing its rows of teeth. I scrambled to my feet, pulling Lanis from my armour. She looked at me with a tilted head.

"Kill it. Kill the rest too." I said to her looking around and seeing more.

She nodded and grew, bigger than I had ever seen her, according to our bond, that's as big as she got. Almost a hundred feet from head to tail. She roared, sending flames to the demon, making it screech in pain.

My eyes left her as they searched for Lilith. Where did she go? I was suddenly grabbed from behind by my armour and lifted into the air. I tried swinging backwards with my axe but with the way Lilith held me, that was impossible. All I could do was wiggle around.

She flew me across the entrance of the castle. Below me where Michael, Uriel, Gabriel and another angel with midnight black wings, straight shoulder length dark hair and blood red eyes, fighting the class five demon army. I took a closer look at the unknown angel. He kind of looked like Lucas. My eyes widened as realisation hit me like a truck. It was Lucifer. They came...

Lilith continued flying, what was her motive? She came close to the tallest tower, dropping me on the flat roof. My body fell, rolled and collided with an automatic arrow launcher that looked older than Lucas and that's saying something.

My body was sore, tired and my magic was almost gone. I lay on the floor, my back resting uncomfortably on the arrow thing.

There was a this and a flap of wings as Lilith landed.

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