21| To The Castle

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There were four steps to our plan.

1. Distraction
Guess who that was? Me. Lilith's castle could clearly be seen from where I was. The clouds above it were dark and gloomy compared to the bright sun that was blinding me.

It had a moat and about a few hundred meters ahead was a wall made of black plants with thorns. Kinda like what Maleficent built. She must not have watched the movie otherwise she would've done something more original.

I'm just saying.

There were these human spider like things crawling all over the place behind the wall. I shivered in disgust. There were also tall guys at the gate, freaky looking things in the water and shadows moving within the castle. There were chicken women and some other freaky gross looking creatures in the sky.


I landed just outside the wall, a space big enough for me to freely walk through visible before me. I got down from Lanis and she shrunk down to the size of a lizard, flying and hiding in my armour.

I walked forward, making a protection ward around myself. It wasn't as strong as I wanted it to be. Most of my magic had gone in the item in my pocket and in the plan.

I walked past all the creepy human things to the castle. No one paid me any mind, just the occasional glance in my direction but that was it. It was seriously concerning.

I pushed my fear down as the two guys, over seven feet tall, opened the front hates for me. I could feel dark magic seeping out of their pores. Class five demons. Imagine my inner panic when the door was open and there was a whole mini army of them on the outside.

Michael, Uriel and Gabriel better come. Hell even Lucifer would be a blessing at this point. I headed straight into the castle, following the strength of dark magic to Lilith. I knew I was close when the magic was so dark and thick, I could taste it at the back of my throat.

It tastes like blood, herbs, honey and dirt. Not the best combination.

There were two large oak wood doors in front of me. She was in there. I could feel it. She wasn't alone either. Two other presences were in with her. Both super dark but not as much as she was.

2. Infiltration
I stood outside the door for a second, giving time to Lucas and the group to track my magical signature. I felt reassurance from the bond. They must be in place.

They were sneaking in through the underground tunnels of the castle that Lilith hopefully doesn't know about. I took a deep breath and pushed the doors open. Dark magic washed over me so hard I was surprised all I did was flinch. I felt Lanis stir uncomfortably in my amour. I don't blame her.

Seated on the throne was the bitch herself. Long dark hair pulled in a fashionable ponytail, armour as dark as night covering her body, eyes green as the forest staring right at me, pupil narrowed like a snake.

She was beautiful. High cheekbones, lips painted blood red and a figure models would kill for. Though she was sitting, I could tell she was tall, maybe six feet?

Her fingers were covered in long black claws that she seemed to retract and grow at will. As much as I hated to admit it, she looked fucking good and badass.

Beside her was a woman with shoulder length red hair and eerie yellow eyes. She was in white armour which I found absolutely stunning on her. She was around my height and had a resting bitch face. On her other side was a man, he had blood red eyes and long black hair that touched his shoulders. He was only in pants leaving his scarred chest on show. His skin was whiter than snow and had long talon like fingernails. He watched me with a hungry gaze, lust clear in his eyes.

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