18| Angels And Allies

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My head snapped up to see an angel descend. He had long black hair that was shaved completely on one side. He was wearing lose white pants and no shirt and his wings were pure white.

His body was covered in tattoos, most looked like runes. His eyes were a brilliant golden colour.

"I am Gabriel." He said and my jaw dropped.

"Gabriel, as in Angel Gabriel?" I asked.

He nodded. I just starred at him like he was a unicorn, which he actually was. He turned his gaze to Lucas and have him a nod. They started talking and interacting with each other but the words where all flying over my head.

I was standing next to Angel Gabriel!

"Well look who came for a visit." Another voice rung out.

Turning my gaze up, I was met with the same brilliant gold eyes. This angel was in the same attire as Gabriel. He too had tattoos of runes in his body. His hair was a rich brown, short and curly.

"I am Uriel. It's a pleasure to finally meet you Melody." He said.

"Yeah..." I answered.

I was standing between three angels. The power coming from them was so strong and addicting. They should bottle this stuff and sell it.

"Well, if it isn't my granddaughter." Another voice rung out.

Another angel appeared. He looked a lot like Uriel but he was bigger and taller. His eyes gold, his hair was a deep brown and stopped by his shoulders.

"Granddaughter?" I asked.

"You my dear are the daughter of Malachi, my son. I am Michael." He said.

I nodded. Michael, Gabriel and Uriel. I just met three main angels.

"I wish we could stay and chat more but we must get to the battle field. I was requesting for your help in this war." Lucas said.

"Hello to you too nephew." Uriel said.

Lucas smiled at him. "Hello Uncle. Father sends you greetings." He said.

Uriel rolled his eyes. "If he wants me to send them back he should visit more often." He grumbled.

"Uriel you know Lucifer has his hands full." Gabriel said.

"I do brother but a nice hung out once in a while wouldn't hurt. You two would come too. We have not bonded over the last centuries." Uriel stressed.

"How about this, we win the war and I arrange a diner for all of us, even Melody." Lucas said.

My eyes flicked between all the angels. Were they serious right now?

Lucas took a few steps forward and his wings turned white. His shirt disappeared, not that I'm complaining, and his pants turned white. Now everyone was in white with their wings will up in the place. I felt so dirty standing next to them in their white glory.

Lucas stood beside Michael and put an arm around his shoulders.

"I think that would work best for us all." Lucas said.

"You all act like children." Gabriel mumbled before walking away.

"We will join the fight Lucas but you must depart now." Michael said.

"I'll show you out." Uriel said walking away.

I followed behind him as Lucas and Gabriel had a secret conversation.

"You seem quiet." Uriel said.

I sighed. "I guess it's been a bit too much for me to take in. I've not settled on the idea of witches yet and now I'm walking with an angel and mated to one." I said.

Uriel nodded in understanding. "I know this must be hard and confusing but you have shown great promise, just like your mother." He said.

We reached another portal (I'm starting to think I've seen to many for my short life time) and he stood next to it.

"When you face Lilith, do not forget who you are fighting for." He advised.

"But I do know who I'm fighting for." I said.

"Really? Who?"

"The supernaturals who have been hurt by her."

"Are you sure?" Uriel asked.

I paused for a second. I was fighting for the greater good wasn't I?

"Let's go." Lucas said walking back towards me and Uriel.

I nodded absentmindedly. Lanis flew towards me and claimed her spot on my shoulders. I scratched under her chin and she purred.

Lucas motioned for me to enter the portal. I turned and gave a wave to Michael before jumping through the portal. Our visit was short but I sure has hell have more questions on my mind.

Lucas and I landed smack in the middle of a camp. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us. I awkwardly looked back.

"Hi." I said with a wave and whispers stated flying around.

I managed to get only a few.

She's the one.

The violet witch.

She's going to save us.


Omg! The violet witch! Do you think she'll sign my forehead?

By the gods, she's real.

She's hot.

Look it's Lucas. I thought he died.

An angel can't die asshole.

The Prince of hell.

I tuned everyone out and I followed behind Lucas.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"To see the Commander. The fight begins at dawn. We have to prepare." He said.

I stopped. Now? We haven't even had time to ourselves. I just wanted to take a breather. I couldn't do this anymore. My brain is fucking fried, my muscles are aching, I want to sleep and to top it all off, I want to tell Lucas how I feel.

Lilith's soulmate was a big discovery that I had to find for a reason and I have to figure out what that reason is. I also have to find out how to kill Lilith. Lanis and I have not bonded properly.

I miss Quinn and Ellie and I'm not sure when I can see them again. I'm not even sure they are safe! Lilith could use them as bait against me. Angels are very real and Michael is my grandfather.

Lucas makes it hard not to worry about the outcome of this war. I have to make him proud. I feel like I'm obliged to even when I know I'm not. The people around me, they have heard of the violet witch like she's some sort of saint.

Well I'm sorry to disappoint them but I'm not. I'm just a little 18 year old girl who misses her best friends, loves the Prince of hell and has not yet graduated from high school.

The fate of the world is resting on my fucking shoulders and I just want to hide in a corner somewhere and cry for a few minutes then sleep.

Is that too much to ask? Apparently in times like these, it is.

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