12| Falling To My Death

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Ok, this was a bad idea. As my body dropped into the dark pits of absolute nothingness, I realized something.

Everyone says when your about to die, you think of all your last mistakes and the people you've wronged. You call for help to anyone so you can come back and make things right. Your life flashes before your eyes.

I don't know if I'm doing death wrong but all I could think of was Lucas and Sydney and Ellie and Quinn and even my aunt who took me in. (That rhymed) I would never see them again. I would never get to tell Lucas I loved him or to go to another of Ellie's pageants or borrow Quinn's hoodies or tell my aunt thank you for taking me in.

As I fell, my life flashed before my eyes but not my past, my future. Things I would love to do if I didn't die. I would have liked to get married (hopefully to Lucas), Ellie and Quinn would be my maids of honour. My aunt would walk me down the aisle and I'd wear the sexiest dress I could find.

I'd have kids. Maybe four and we would live in the middle of the forest somewhere and I'd teach them to become ninjas or something. I'd make their names have something in common. Maybe they all start with a C or they would end with an A.

I watch them grow and scare the shit out of their boyfriends and girlfriends. I would humiliate them at school just because I can. I would die for them.

And if I wasn't saved from this fall, I would not do any of those things and that made a chasm open in my heart.

Suddenly arms wrapped around my waist. It was Lucas. It was always him. Saving me, teaching me, guiding me, helping me. For the past like three days anyway.

I turned and buried my face in his neck as we fell together. Sadness consumed my being like a python wrapping around its prey.

I think that was it. It was the moment I realised I was filled with problems. Issues. Things that couldn't be taken back. I was an orphan who lived with a gold digging aunt.

I was a girl who wanted nothing but to be loved and accepted for everything she is. Sassy, sarcastic, funny, black. A girl who just wanted to fill the world with love, hope and peace. A girl who would do anything for those she loved.

So when Lucas started pumping his wings to help us reach the ground, I held onto him for safety like a child clinging to his mother when a stranger is near. Like a father hugging his son when he returns home.  Like a single mother holding the pieces of her family together. Like a lover trying to embrace his other half.

Because I didn't know how messed up I was until I literally stared death in the face.

Lucas landed lightly on the ground but there was nothing but darkness surrounding us. I still held on to him my eyes tightly closed trying not to let my tears spill free. Lucas too held on to me, his head resting in my hair.

"Melody you can't do that. You can't just jump off a cliff and..." His voice trailed off like it physically hurt him to say what would be been my fate.

"What would you do if it was me? Cause God Melody, I was so scared. I..." He couldn't say it and neither could I.

If it was him I would feel like my whole world stopped. Like the oxygen in the world run out and then dread. Dread would fill me like a waterfall pouring water into a lake. It would consume me until I couldn't even think straight.

A sob broke free. Followed by another and another. Lucas held me tightly against him. We were two pieces that fit. One one the same yet completely different.

"I'm so sorry. I... I... I didn't mean to I just..." I stammered not even able to get a sentence out.

"It's here. All my answers are here and I just couldn't go back and rest. I had to find out more. I needed answers. About my parents about this whole witch thing, about my fucking purpose in life." I cried.

"I'm sorry for how I made you feel and what I did and-" Lucas cut me off.

"Shhhh. We're alright. Ok? We're fine." He said.

And thats how the next few minutes went on. I cried on his shoulder and he whispered sweet nothings in my ear. How did I even get here?

I could've died today and the world could've been doomed. Lucas catching me was pure luck because it was so fucking dark down here and there was magic.

Raw, ancient powerful magic that was confusing me. That was making my emotions and senses go off direction. It was so much I just wanted to sit down breathe it all in for centuries.

Lucas pulled back enough for him to see my face, that is if we had light, but also close enough for me to cling to him. He muttered something and a sphere of golden light appeared in between us.

Lucas held my face in his hands and wiped away my tears. His eyes seemed pained like he was the cause of my sadness. I raised my hand and made a sphere of light identical to his but violet of course.

"I'm a fucking mess." I mumbled to myself looking down.

"Well your my mess so I'll deal with it. " Lucas said.

He gave me a small smile and I gave one back. We were fine just like he said. I looked into his steel grey eyes and I couldn't help but be pulled in. My eyes darted to his lips for a quick second before returning to his eyes.

He licked lips and leaned in. So did I. Our breaths mingled and my heart caught on fire. Inches. Our lips were inches apart and I could practically see the kiss coming.

He signed and pulled back a bit.

What! Did I do something wrong? Was it my breath? Oh God! What is it?

Lucas shut his eyes. "I have to tell you something." He said. Now in all movies that are good and true, when anyone says this it's never good. Never.

My heart dropped. I knew this would happen.

"It's about your parents." Lucas said opening his eyes and looking into mine.

What did he say?

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