10| Sleuthing Around

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Lucas had flown us into the town square. People were rushing around removing party decorations and cleaning up.

We weaved our way through the crowd until we reached the shop. It was small and tucked into a corner. It had a closed sign on the glass display. 

I pulled at the door but it refused to open. Then I used my powers to disintegrate the lock.

"Magic is totally awesome." I commented.

I was about to step inside when Lucas pulled me back.

"Traps." He said. He mumbled something and golden streams floated out of his hands to the shop, making traps and even lasers glow gold.

I gaped at him. "What was that?" I whispered harshly throwing my arms around.

"My wizard magic. I did tell you I was a wizard before." He said.

Well haven't I seen it all then. Lucas entered first, me following and Sydney at our end. We walked in, dodging traps. I felt like a spy.

"Ta da, ta da, ta da ta da ta da ta da ta daaaaaaaaaaa ta da da daaa. Ta da, ta-" I was cut off by Lucas.

"What are you doing?" He whispered harshly.

"I feel like a spy so I was singing spy music and the only one I could think of  was the Pink Panther theme song." I whispered.

Lucas sighed. "You are going to be the death of me I swear. I'm too old for this." He said the last part quieter than the first.

What did he mean?

I continued singing the song in my head because who wouldn't. I did some over exaggerated ninja rolls and a lot of peeking.

"Could you stop that?" Lucas asked walking normally.

"No. If this supernatural world got me stuck here I might as well make fun of it." I said doing another ninja roll.

"I'll search this side you search that one." He said.

"Copy." I whispered making a gun with my hand.

Lucas rolled his eyes and left me to it. I eventually stopped goofing off and searched.


"There's literally nothing here. All this witch stuff is shit." Lucas said throwing a dream catcher. I should probably get one of those.

I walked over to him and Sydney who was sniffing for something. We had been searching for almost half an hour now.

"I'm sure-" I was saying before I stepped on a black tile. It sunk and the sound of gears turning filled my ears.

"Shit!" Lucas said before the floor opened up and we fell in.

I screamed on the way down. The fall came to an end and I landed on a hard surface. I groaned. Lucas landed on me and I wheezed. Then Sydney fell on me too and I was being crushed. Luckily, Lucas rolled to the side taking Sydney with him. Thank God.

I tried to regain my breath as I lay on the floor.

"Nice to see you finally dropped in." A voice said.

Lucas immediately shot up pulling me with him. I stumbled as I tried to regain my balance. In front of us was an old woman. And when I say old I mean she must have witnessed the Salem trials or something.

Her back was hunched and she was short, her face being covered by a hood. Her voice was like nails scratching on a chalkboard.

"Haha. Very funny." I commented dusting off. It actually was funny. Nice to see you 'dropped in'. If you don't get it, I don't know what to do for you.

"You seek the destruction of Lilith do you not?" She asked.

"We do." Lucas said.

The woman looked up and it took the force of the universe for me not to gasp. Her eyes were a milky colour. She was blind. Her hair was white and stringy and in need of some conditioner. I'm just sayin'

She came closer to us and I wanted to pull back but Lucas held my hand keeping me firmly in place. She was giving off some weird creepy ass vibes.

"It's her. The daughter of Malachi and Melynda. Your hair needs some taming." She said.

I scoffed. "And you need some hair grandma." I said. Lucas squeezed my arm in warning.

The lady laughed. "Funny and quick minded. Just like your mother." She said.

"You knew my mother. But...  you look to be thousand of years old." I commented.

"1493 to be exact. I will finally rest in peace once Lilith dies. It is my purpose to guide the chosen one to where the key to her destruction lies, should I fail, I don't age, should I succeed, I'm finally granted peace and freedom." She said sadly.

"We seek what you have mentioned Mary, where should we begin our journey?" Lucas said. He sounded so formal, so experienced.

"Your journey begins where this picture will take you." She said pulling out a picture from her robes. "but be warned, the secret is protected by greatest foe of man. Now, I have limited time left, take it." she said. Lucas nodded and took the picture.

"I'd like to speak with Melody. Alone." Mary said grabbing my hand and pulling me to the edge of the cement room. She waved her hand in the air and a whitish bubble surrounded us.

"Oh child. I see your suffering. You must try to let it go." She said hurriedly.

She was looking around like something was coming for her.

"Can't you see? I can't. I've tried. The dreams, the bright beautiful place, the chicken women, they haunt me." I said. She tsked and held my hand. Her skin felt weird and all ew.

"Look child, he knows, he knows it all and he will tell you once you open the grimoire. Open the grimoire..." She said disappearing.

"What? Wait. Tell me more. Mary! Mary!" I called trying to hold onto her parting fragments.

"Don't forget everything you see child..." Was the last thing she said before she disappeared. I was left all alone with no answers and no idea who he was and why I was supposed to remember everything I saw.

"Melody?" I looked to see Lucas.

"I'm fine it's just, she told me to find something I'm not sure I can." I said. She wanted me to find answers.

"Do you know what it is? Maybe I can help you." He said.

I shook my head. "This is something I just find for myself. Thanks for the offer though. I appreciate it." I said punching his arm. He rolled his eyes and passed me the picture.

"I don't know where it is. Your our only transport." He said. I held the picture in my hand and and easily called the magic. The trees in the picture moved.

"I can't believe were going to a jungle." I muttered angrily putting the picture on the ground.

"At least it's not a desert." Lucas suggested.

"True. The sand in my hair afterwords...." I said shivering.

I grabbed Lucas' hand.

"Let's go meet mother nature shall we?" I asked pulling Lucas with me into the portal.

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