7| I Hate Waitresses

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I landed on my feet and fell to the ground. Ow. I have to work on my landings. I quickly stood up and looked around. There were not many people around, mostly because this was a small town no one really notices.

Lucas appeared out of the portal and Sydney close after. She was the size of a normal dog and kinda looked like a German shepherd now.

"Ok. This is the hotel we stayed in." I said gesturing to the building in front of us. It was nice. Not much to it. " and Black Lotus Antiques is about ten miles south. I have enough cash for a car and fuel. " I said.

Then my stomach, like the traitor it is, grumbled. I held a hand to it. I had been putting off my hunger all day. Why now?

"Melody... what was your last meal?" Lucas asked.

"Lunch." I said without hesitation.

My last meal was lunch. Yesterday. It counts.

Lucas looked up to the night sky. "Which day?" He asked.


"Yesterday." I said innocently.

"Shit Melody! You've not eaten the whole day." He said angrily.

I rolled my eyes. "I know. We had to keep moving and my hunger seemed irrelevant." I said.

Lucas grabbed my chin and forced me to look him in the eyes. They were blazing with fury.

"Never, never you hear, ever say your well being is irrelevant ok? You are more important to me than I care to admit so, can you please never do that again?" He asked.

His voice was both demanding and gentle. It made my insides churn. I nodded. He sighed and let go of my chin, running his fingers softly over it before shaking his head and stepping back.

"There's a restaurant down the street." I said.

He nodded and motioned for me to lead the way. I turned and walked. The restaurant was there. His Amigos. It was the best in the area from what I recall.

We entered and took a seat in a booth near the window. I looked around loving the red decorations.

"Hey there. I'm Lola. I'll be your waitress today." A woman said coming over.

She had tan skin and long dark hair that flowed down her back in thick waves. Her eyes were the brightest green I had ever seen and her lashes, fake obviously, had nothing on mine. Ha!

All her attention was on Lucas and that didn't sit right with me. She batted her fake ass eyelashes at him and bit her lip. I narrowed my eyes at her but didn't make it obvious I hated her already.

"You have tamales right?" I asked trying to divert her attention from Lucas to me.

Lucas was looking around the restaurant seeming oblivious to the exchange going on.

"Yeah we have tamales. Sir? What would you like?" She purred.

I wanted to rip her eyes out. Lucas turned to her and have her a charming smile. A lump formed in my throat. I will not cry. I will not cry. Crying is for children. Just spill her blood instead of your tears.

"I'll have whatever she's having." He said.

Lola's smile went from nice and flirty to edgy and malicious in one second.

"And you're having?" She asked with sass.


"We'll have the most spicy tamales you have with a coke for him and a juice for me." I said politely just to push her buttons.

"Sure." She said.

She smiled at Lucas before sneering at me. I heard a growl and looked to Sydney in her dog form glaring at Lola too. I feel you girlfriend.

She disappeared around the corner but returned to her post behind the counter a few minutes later. I turned from the window to see Lucas eyeing Lola.

I frowned.

"Hey I'll be right back." He said standing to leave.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"Bathroom." He lied.

I nodded nonetheless. I saw him head towards Lola and it hurt too much to look so I turned to the window. I felt something nudge my leg and I looked down to see Sydney. I have her a scratch behind her ear.

"Men are clueless asswipes." I whispered to her.

She rolled her eyes and nodded, sticking her tongue out. I giggled. I rubbed her head and looked back out the window.

I knew why Lucas' actions hurt so much. I'm growing to like like the Prince of hell and we've been together for only a day.

It's just something about him that literally shouts 'Love Me!' and I just... I sighed. These thoughts were getting me nowhere because I would never act on my feelings. I'm chicken like that.

Lucas returned and I placed a smile on my face. I wasn't going to show I was hurting. He would ask why and I would be powerless to lie.

So I talked instead. I asked him some questions like favourite colour and stuff. I answered some of his questions and said some things about this place when I visited.

The tamales arrived and were so hot and amazing. He asked what I liked about this place when I first came I said it was the culture and when he asked what I didn't like I had no answer. Because I didn't like that I had not met Lola and spilled her blood all over a road somewhere. I couldn't exactly tell him that.

When our food was finished, we waited for the check and Lucas kept asking me silly questions. It's like he didn't want us to leave. His eyes kept darting to Lola's direction and I was getting pissed.

And you do not want a pissed black woman.

"Lucas, I think it's time for us to-" my sentence was cut off when a band emerged from the kitchen with a cake and singing a birthday song.

(A/N: You can play the birthday song above now or not. \_(•_•)_/ )

I watched as they meandered through the tables to get to the birthday person and my eyes widened when I realised they were coming towards me.

I turned to Lucas who was giving me a soft smile. The band surrounded me as a waitress put cake in front of me. I shrank slightly in my seat as everyone looked our way smiling. I hated attention. Lucas' smile turned goofy and I rolled my eyes at him.

Only shy people like myself can imagine the joy I felt when the people disappeared. I turned and smiled at Lucas.

"What was all that?" I asked.

"Well, it's still your birthday isn't it? And you never celebrated and I was thinking this birthday started out really shitty and I couldn't let it end like that. " he said.

I smiled at him. He went to Lola to ask her to prepare this for me. Ha! I wish I could've seen her face.

"Thank you." I said and leaned over the table to kiss him on the cheek. My lips lingered for a second. I wish I could taste more of him. Oh God Melody! Too much.

I cut the cake and gave some to customers in the restaurant and the staff then I kept some for later and exited the restaurant with Lucas.

"Ok. Thanks again for the best birthday ever, now we just need to get a car and go to the Antique shop." I said.

Lucas scoffed. "Who needs a car when you have wings?" He said scooping me in his arms and taking off.

I squealed as we went into the air. Looking down, I saw Sydney in her huge form, running under us.

I tightened my hold on Lucas as he flew higher.


Urgh I'm so sorry for the late updates. Forgive me. Anyway, how are you liking the story so far? Check ✔

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