11| Damn Jungles And Stupid Feelings

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We landed in the middle of a God forsaken jungle. I could already feel the humidity making my hair poofy.

I was still holding Lucas' hand and I didn't want to let go anytime soon. Alas it would be weird if I held his hand for long.

"Wait. Where's Sydney?" I asked looking around widely. "Oh my God. I forgot her. I forgot your familiar. I-" Lucas cut me off.

"She'll be here anytime soon. She can teleport to me wherever I am." He said laughing lightly at me.

"This is not funny. I felt like I lost my child or something." I said punching his arm a little..He chuckled but there was something about my statement that bothered him. I could tell.

"Where to now? It's not like she gave us a direction." He said.

The sun was at its highest peak, it's hot rays shining their stupid asses on the earth. Luckily, the trees in the jungle have us some shed so...

"We go east." I said looking in its direction.

"Why?" Lucas asked.

"I don't know I just have this thing pulling me towards that direction." I said.

It felt like half my heart was in that direction and someone was sewing it together, pulling the thread to finally connect the two broken pieces.

"Lead the way then." Lucas said.

"I will. When Sydney comes." I stated firmly. " No man is to be left behind. "

"Sure." Lucas relented leaning against a tree looking all shmexy.


"Melody we need to stop." Lucas said.

Sydney had arrived not long after my brave declaration and we started our journey East. We've been walking for almost the whole day. The sun was going down and I could already see the moon and the stars.

"No. We have to keep going." I said.

"Melody you need sleep." Lucas insisted. I thought of my dreams. 

"No. Let's keep going. We have only four days left. And we're not sure how long our journey is." I answered.

Lucas grabbed my arm pulling me to a stop.

"Melody you need sleep and rest." He said his eyes begging for me not to argue.

I pulled my hand out of his. "I don't want to fucking sleep ok! I just want to get this war, or whatever it is, over with! I have so many things that are not making sense and my gut is telling me answers are in that fucking direction!" I pointed East. "Now, if you want to you can rest but I'm continuing this God damn journey even if it fucking kills me!" I snapped. My breathing was heavy when I was done. I really needed that.

"Ok." Lucas said.


He nodded. "We'll go." He said.

"Thank you!" I gasped. I moved forward and wrapped my arms around him and he did the same.

Why was I the one to stop this war? All I wanted to do was stay in Lucas' arms forever because he makes me feel safe and wanted, and mostly loved.

Wait wait wait wait. Back it up a bit. Let's rewind that thought.

All I wanted to do was stay in Lucas' arms forever because he makes me feel safe and wanted, and loved.



I love him. I... love him. Love! The forbidden word.

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