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Nikana: 19 BBY
Hondo's Stronghold
Nakoa Sen

They landed the Mythos a good distance away from the base. Nakoa followed Les off the ship and waited for her to locate the rhydonium warehouses. "Over there." She pointed one out, at last.

Oni sealed the boarding ramp and joined them. "How many will we need?"

"Four. All of the spice warehouses are on that side of the base." Les pointed them out as well. "Once we have them set up, the two of you should go after Baja. I'll blow the rhydonium to cover your escape."

Nakoa narrowed his eyes. "What will you do afterwards?"

Lesia shrugged. "I guess I'll figure that out when I need to."

"Great. And here I thought you might actually be good at planning things," Oni groaned.

Something flickered in Lesia's eyes. Nakoa couldn't quite tell what it was. She turned away, her lekku falling over her shoulder. "Let's hurry before they decide to bring their party outside." She started running towards the rhydonium warehouse.

Nakoa glanced at Oni and shrugged. He took off after Les and heard Oni running behind him. Surprisingly, there were no guards when they reached the warehouse. Les pried the door open and stepped inside. Nakoa's eyes widened.

There were rows upon rows of rhydonium. Several were carefully stacked onto floating hovers. "Who needs this much rhydonium?" Oni wondered aloud.

"A man who has to keep his fleet ready to run in a moment's notice," Les replied. "Hondo is a very wanted man after all."

"Let's get to work." Nakoa activated the antigravity on one of the canisters. He moved it out of the way while Oni grabbed another. Lesia activated a cart that held two canisters already on it.

She closed the door when they left the warehouse once more. Nakoa kept his senses alert and mostly focused on the pirate's stronghold. Music poured through the open windows and doors. There wasn't a person to be seen outside.

Oni fell in step with him. "Where will we take Baja once we have him?" She whispered.

Nakoa glanced at her. "You aren't going to like it." She inclined her head. "His bounty was put out by the Empire. We'll be taking him to one of their command centers."

Oni looked away from him. He could feel the anger that radiated from her. Nakoa waited for her to speak. "We're not taking him to any on Corellia."

"I didn't plan to. I figured we could take him to Lothal. It's close by and currently occupied by the Empire."

Oni sighed, finally. "All right."

Les whipped her head back towards them. "Hush!"

Nakoa fell silent as they reached the first spice warehouse. Les slid the door open and he placed his rhydonium canister in the center of the room. They moved to the next warehouse and Oni set up her canister. Lesia handled the last two.

"Do you have explosives?" Nakoa asked.

"I can steal some from Hondo's armory."

"Just use these." He pulled four small charges off his belt and handed them to her, along with their detonator.

Les nodded and took them. "You should probably make your grand entrance now. I'll set these and blow them in five minutes."

Oni immediately started walking towards the compound. Nakoa remained behind as Lesia set the first charge. She turned, seeing that he was still there. "Thank you," Nakoa said.

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