Accidental Confession

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Corellia: 18 BBY
Nakoa Sen

She was dying. He had killed her. He didn't know how or when or why, but it didn't matter. He held Lesia's hand again as it went limp. She exhaled one last time.

Nakoa blinked his eyes open. Salty tears coated his cheeks. Les leaned over him, her forehead wrinkled with worry. She had blindfolded herself again.

"I'm fine," he whispered.

She grabbed a wet rag and dotted it across his forehead. He closed his eyes briefly. The coolness felt nice. He was so hot, but cold shivers raced down his spine. He was still nauseous, but not as much as before.

"Were you dreaming again?" Les asked. He nodded. "The same dream?" He nodded once more. She laced her hand with his for a moment. "I'm right here. I'm not dying." Nakoa sighed, trying to push away the terror from his dream.

His gaze followed her as she continued to wipe the sweat from his forehead. Nakoa drew in another deep breath, feeling calmer. "Where's Oni?"

"She said Ketei had another bounty for her. I asked if she wanted my help but she said no."

"I'm glad you're here."

Les smiled, then turned away. "I have food if you're hungry." She held up a small tray of food. Nakoa bit his lip. He was starved, but the sight of the food made his stomach roll.

He tried to push the nausea aside and took the tray. He took a bite of fruit, letting it ease his nausea further. "Is this fresh?" Nakoa asked.

Les nodded. "I went out yesterday and Oni brought some jogan fruit when she came back."

"That was yesterday? I thought that was today."

"No, you slept all night and most of the morning."

Nakoa ate some more, then took the water canteen she offered him. "Why did Feton kiss you?" He asked, almost surprising himself.

Les tilted her head. "I'm not really sure. It wasn't exactly a kiss. He just kissed the corners of my mouth."

"Is he actually interested in you?"

"I don't think so." She thought for a moment. "I think he did it just to make you jealous."


Les shrugged. "Who knows? Feton Ralius seems to be about as random as they come." She stood and removed his now empty tray. "You should try to sleep more."

Nakoa nodded and watched her leave the room. He laid back and pushed his blanket away more, still feeling hot. He closed his eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.

Corellia: 18 BBY
Lesia Mirri

Nakoa didn't wake again for the rest of the day. The next morning when she went to check on him, he seemed to be sleeping better. Les grabbed some more food and returned to his room after blindfolding herself.

Nakoa grabbed her arm, gently guiding her towards his bunk. Not that he needed to, but he didn't know that. Les handed him the food and he dug in.

"Feeling better today?" She asked.

"Yeah, surprisingly," he replied. Les pressed her hand against his forehead. It was still a little warm, but not as bad as it had been. "Tell me something," Nakoa said after a moment.

"Like what?"

"Tell me something you've never told anyone else."

She tapped her chin with a finger. "That's tricky. I told Cole quite a few things."

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