Repetitve Words

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Love triangles are a pain in the butt, my guys. Enjoy! 😂

Corellia: 18 BBY
Clan Covert
Nakoa Sen

Nakoa sat in Ketei's chambers, watching her work. She was scrapping parts of Galaar's armor and reforming it for the foundlings, as her old friend had asked. Oni had sent a transmission as soon as she was on her way back from Kessel, but it was taking her much longer than he would have liked.

He released a small sigh, letting his thoughts drift. His anger towards Tarek had faded some, now that the heat of the moment was past. He knew that it would return, though. Lesia's words had stuck with him.

I have to kill Tarek. It's the only way to avenge my people, he thought. Right? That's the way we have always done things. I'll invoke the Code and challenge him to single combat and kill him. Doubt settled over his mind. And killing him will avenge my Clan? Maybe, but it won't bring them...or my  parents...back.

His dream had come without warning. Nakoa hadn't even realized he'd fallen asleep. One minute he was locking himself in his room and the next, Les was there. She blindfolded herself so that she could help me, Nakoa thought. His cheek tingled at the memory of her fingers against his skin. He knit his brows. How did she get into my room?


He glanced up. Ketei had paused beside him. "Yes?"

"Is everything all right? You're unusually quiet."

"Everything is fine. I just..." he sighed. "Oni found out who knows where Tarek is. Feton Ralius is alive and he knows."

"That is good news."


"Maybe? You've been searching for Tarek ever since you knew how to fly a ship."

"Lesia doesn't think I should kill him."

Ketei pulled a few molds out of her forge. She opened them, revealing the new pieces of armor. "Why?" 

"She's worried that it will have a negative effect on me. She thinks that if I kill Tarek, my hatred for him will be replaced with a sort of cold numbness. I might develop a taste for blood or something."

Ketei nodded slowly. "She is right to be concerned. I've seen similar things happen to friends of mine."

"But killing Tarek is the only way I can avenge my Clan and my parents," Nakoa pointed out.

"It is the Mandalorian way."

He raised an eyebrow beneath his helmet. "Are you telling me to choose another way?"

She shook her head. "I am telling you to choose the way that is right for you. If you see the sense in Lesia's words, then find a path to justice that doesn't require killing him. If you aren't worried, then kill him."

"I don't know what the right way is."

"Then you must wait. The answer will come to you when the moment is right." Ketei sat down across from him and began to smooth down some armor. She pushed a few pieces towards him. He set to work, grinding the rough metal down. "Now, I want to know about your relationship with Les."

"Relationship?" Nakoa nearly choked. "We're not...I mean..."

Ketei laughed. "There are different kinds of relationships, my son."

"I know that." Nakoa bit his lip, thinking up a response. "Things are fine, I suppose. I get along with her. She understands me."

"And what about Oni? Do the two of them get along better?"

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