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Corellia: 18 BBY
Nakoa Sen

Where are you? Nakoa blinked rapidly, dispelling the thought as quickly as it appeared. He furrowed his brows. Who was that?


He glanced up as Oni approached. "Yes?"

"We checked with the vendor, Elsie, again. She said she's heard nothing new. Neither has her pilot."

Nakoa sighed and dropped his forehead into his hand. Five days had gone by since they started looking for Les. Elsie's pilot had returned to Corellia the same day they had asked about him. Unfortunately, he knew very little.

He'd taken Les to Savareen and according to the townspeople, she had left the small village and disappeared. Nakoa had gone to the village immediately, but like the pilot said, Les was nowhere to be found.

"I don't know where to look," he sighed. "If she's just disappeared like that and isn't contacting anyone, then we might not be able to find her."

"I want to go to Savareen again and question the townspeople more," Oni replied. "Ketei already said she would come with me. What about you?"

Nakoa shook his head. "I have somewhere else to go."

"Where?" Oni crossed her arms.

"I need to go back to Kalevala. I've put it off for too long. Let me know what you find out. I should be back by tomorrow."

"Sure, but why do you need to go to Kalevala?"

Nakoa clasped his hands together. "I meant to go after we got back from Coruscant."

"Oh," Oni realized. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, it's fine."

She gave him a small nod. "I'll contact you if we learn anything new." Oni headed off the ship and closed the ramp.

Nakoa pulled his helmet off and entered the cockpit. He brought the engines online and took off. Nakoa switched on the signature scrambler as the Imperial blockade appeared above him. As soon as he was clear, he made the jump to lightspeed.

Nur: 18 BBY
Fortress Inquisitorius
Lesia Mirri

Les kneeled on the floor of a training dojo. She had been dressed in an outfit befitting the room, although she was certain they had no intention of letting her do anything. The same Mirialan Inquisitor stood beside her.

"This fortress was a project of the Emperor's even before the Clone Wars ended," she was saying. "After dealing with the Black Sun organization and driving them away from Mustafar, this place was ours for the taking. Isn't it wonderful to have a leader who is prepared for everything?"

"Am I here for a history lesson or are we doing something productive?" Les spat. Mustafar. I'm in the Mustafar System.

"Very well," the Inquisitor sighed. "You are so impatient." Les stiffened, feeling the Force begin to shift around her.

Darkness shrouded the room and Les leaped to her feet. She called on the Force, letting it accentuate her senses. There was no sign of the Inquisitor. A hand slid down Lesia's lekku.

She whipped her head around and stumbled back. Cole's blue eyes mirrored hers. He smiled, but it felt wrong. "You got lost in the snow, Commander. We found you, though."

Les stepped back from him. He came closer. "You're dead. How are you here?"

"Am I?" He grabbed her hand and held it below his nose. His breath was warm.

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