Icy Friendship

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Hyperspace: 19 BBY
Nakoa Sen

Blurred yet familiar figures hovered in his vision. Instinctively, Nakoa reached towards one of them. The woman grabbed his hand and pulled him close. Her hand brushed against his hair, leaving behind a foreign feeling of affection.

"Quiet gar mind, ner cyar'ika. Ca'nara has olaror par udes. Te moons cuyir laamyc. Nuhoy while ni taylir gar. Nuhoy, par gar cuyir morut'y," she sang softly.

Nakoa hadn't heard the words in a long time, but their meaning came to him quickly. "Quiet your mind, my darling. Time has come for rest. The moons are high. Sleep while I hold you. Sleep, for you are safe."

He looked up at his mother, but her face was blurred, as it always was. Ever since it had happened, he'd never been able to see the faces of his parents.

He lifted a hand to her cheek, but just as he touched her, she faded from view. Nakoa squeezed his eyes shut. When he opened them, he was trapped beneath the beam once more. The only thing left of his mother was her metal clad hand.

Nakoa jolted awake, cold shivers racing down his spine. He swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry. He swung his feet over the edge of his bunk and grabbed his water canteen. Nakoa took a drink and smoothed his damp hair out of his face.

He turned to the small sink that stuck out of a wall. Nakoa let some water drip into the sink and splashed it on his face, waking himself up a bit. He stiffened, seeing his reflection in the water. His mother's eyes, his father's nose...Nakoa shook his head. It was strange. He couldn't remember what they looked like, but he knew which features he had gained from them.

His gaze drifted towards the thin viewports along the top of one wall. They were still in hyperspace. He hadn't slept long. Nakoa turned and eyed his helmet. I should go see if we're nearly there, he thought. Still, he sighed as he slid his helmet on. It was a relief to take it off most of the time and he dreaded having to put it on once more.

Nakoa left his cabin and entered the cockpit. There was no sign of Oni, but Lesia lounged in a seat close by. She perked up, spying him. "Finally. It's boring with no one around to talk to."

Nakoa didn't reply. He took his seat and checked the navicomputer. They'd be arriving soon enough. Lesia moved into a seat behind the co-pilot's. She swiveled it around and watched him.

"Yes?" He asked, finally.

"Are you all right?"

"I'm fine."

"Really?" Les arched a brow. "I may not know you very well, but I'm good at sensing the emotions of others. You are anything but fine."

"It was just a bad dream," Nakoa said. He pulled out his vibroblade and ran his finger along the smooth metal.

"Do you want to talk about it?"


Les pursed her lips and fell silent. She spoke again after a few minutes. "I have nightmares a lot. Sometimes I have them even when I'm awake. The smallest thing can trigger it. A particular blaster firing, someone's voice, a certain smell..."

Nakoa watched her curiously. "What do you have nightmares about?"

"Betrayal, the cause for this," she gestured towards her scarred ankles. "My own failure."

"I don't usually have that problem. It happens every once in a while."

"You're lucky, then."

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