An Eventful Turn

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Tatooine: 19 BBY
Rigger Class Ship
Lesia Mirri

She arrived on Tatooine without too much trouble, despite the usual bumpiness of her ship. "Would it kill Hondo to let me fly one of the other ships?" Lesia murmured to herself as she started the landing cycle.

The ship touched down in a free access docking bay. Lesia made sure to lock it up tight before venturing into the city. Baja had said that Jabba kept his spice in a warehouse close to her current location. The Hutt owned several cities on Tatooine and made good use of their secluded locations.

Lesia ran over her mental checklist. Rent a speeder, find the warehouse, sneak in and steal the spice, get back to the ship, go to Kessel and drop it off, go back to Nikana. It was a simple list. Of course, she didn't expect things to go according to plan. They never did.

A few civilians gave her curious stares as she walked down the street. Lesia ignored them and let her hand fall against her satchel. In it was hidden her lightsaber, one of the only remnants of her past. She never used it anymore but still carried it around just in case.

She pulled out a holodisk and switched it on. A red dot appeared on the map projected. Lesia checked her location and turned the holodisk off. The warehouse was near the edge of the city. She would find a speeder first, then locate it.

Lesia turned towards the nearest speeder station she saw. Several Jawas were picking over them. She continued past them and entered the building. A Weequay was asleep behind the counter. Lesia slammed her fist onto the counter, startling him awake.

"Blast it, Girl. What do you want?" He demanded.

"I need to rent a speeder."

"What kind?" He jerked his head towards a list of available speeders.

Lesia scanned over it for a moment. "The RGC-18. Are its magnetic locks usable?"

"Yeah, they work fine. How are you going to pay for that, though?"

"I've got Imperial credits, Calamari flan, and peggats. Take your pick." She put on a disinterested air and began picking at her nails.

"Peggats are fine." She gave him her estimated time of usage and he calculated her fee. Lesia handed the money to him and turned to leave. "What do you need a cargo speeder like that for anyway?"

Lesia glanced back over her shoulder. "We all have to make a living, don't we?" He didn't say anything else as she walked out. She brushed past a Jawa and jumped into the speeder. The engines purred to life quickly. She ran her hand over the steering controls and smiled.

Soon, she was flying out towards the outskirts of the city. It wasn't hard to spot the warehouse. It was surrounded by a plasma fence and several guards. Lesia turned towards a ridge and came to a stop. She grabbed her monoculars and positioned herself low against the sand.

Guards milled about. Several walked on a small catwalk at the top of the warehouse. Even more patrolled the area along the fence. She didn't see any blaster turrets or wall canons, thankfully. Still, it would be difficult to get in and out of by herself.

Lesia stroked her chin thoughtfully. "Maybe there's a way I can program the speeder to be driven remotely. I can break into the warehouse from the top and deactivate the plasma fence. The speeder will be able to come right to the front door where I'll be waiting with the spice." She pursed her lips, then nodded. "Nightfall."

She slid back down the sandy ridge towards the speeder. Les pulled a datapad out of her satchel and set to work.

Florrum: 19 BBY
Pirate Outpost
Nakoa Sen

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