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Geonosis: 18 BBY
Petranaki Arena
Nakoa Sen

    "How are these battle droids still active?" Les whispered. "I thought they were all shut down when the Empire took over."

    "Maybe the Geonosisans reactivated these ones," Nakoa replied with a shrug. He kept his focus on the tunnel stretching on ahead of them. His mood was steadily worsening and he knew Lesia and Oni were aware of it.

    This is not how I wanted to spend my day, he thought. I was bored, but being captured by bugs and battle droids isn't exactly the cure I had in mind. His face flushed before he could stop it. Neither was being searched by Les. She had indeed grown bolder during her few weeks with them. He wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing.

    His anger was partially directed towards her. Not because she had searched him, but because she'd forced him to surrender. They were now unarmed and surrounded by enemies. It didn't sit well with him.

    Daylight broke at last. Les shielded her eyes from it as the Geonosians ushered them into the sandy area. A few stone pillars rose from the ground. Walls surrounded the entire place. Realization crossed Nakoa's mind.

    We're in the arena, he thought. It looked as though the place had taken a beating in its time. Broken pillars littered the ground and there were traces of carbon scoring along the walls. Deep grooves were carved into the sandy ground.

    They were led across the arena and placed before pillars. A Geonosian lifted Nakoa's hands above his head and attached his wrist binders to a chain. Nakoa rolled his eyes. As if that would do anything. He still had his jetpack. Oni did too.

    One of the battle droids paced in front of them, waiting for their restraints to be secured. At last, it spoke. "We knew more of you would come. After the last one caused so much trouble, it is only fair that we make you pay as well."

    Oni pulled against her restraints, suddenly. "What have you done to Galaar?"

    "He is alive. If you will listen, I have a deal to offer you." The droid's eyes flickered eerily.

    "What do you want?" Nakoa asked.

    "We want nothing more than retribution. This," it gestured to the arena, "is that retribution. If you survive, you will regain possession of your weapons and your friend."

    "First, show us that our friend is actually alive," Les demanded. Nakoa and Oni both stared at her for a moment. She didn't look at them.

    The droid gave a small nod. A gate opened up nearby and two Geonosians appeared, dragging a man in between them. Nakoa drew in a sharp breath, seeing Galaar's bare face. Oni didn't make a sound.

    Galaar looked much older than Nakoa had expected. He had a short beard and peppered brown hair hung in his face. His eyes appeared gray and were full of guilt. The bugs pulled him out of sight once more. The remaining Geonosians and battle droids vacated the sandy floor of the arena. The stands built into the walls were packed full and clicking filled the air.

    The ground beneath Nakoa's feet shook. He stared at the massive gates on the wall opposite to him. Dread pooled in his stomach as all three of them opened. The first creature was nothing but a rolling death ball. The rathtar gave a fierce screech and shot a tentacle into the front row of the crowd. A Geonosian screamed as the rathtar pulled it from its seat. The rathtar crunched down on it and the crowd cheered.

    A rancor emerged next. Saliva dripped from its gory mouth. Nakoa hoped that small detail meant it had already eaten. Lastly, a gundark appeared. Nakoa glanced towards Les worriedly. She was already working on climbing up her pillar, using the chain as a makeshift rope. Oni gave Nakoa a small nod and braced herself.

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