Dreaming Memories

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Nal Hutta: 18 BBY
Oni Aleu

Oni soared over one of Nal Hutta's many swamps, keeping an eye on the speeder ahead of her. She had managed to quickly track down the escaped slave from Kessel and was now pursuing him. The speeder whipped around a large tree that rose from the murky water. Oni rounded it and leveled her blaster.

She lowered her rangefinder, aiming at the speeder's main thruster. She fired and smoke burst from the back of the speeder. The man screamed and leaped off, just as the speeder careened into the side of a tree. Oni landed in the muddy clearing and stalked towards the man.

"Wait, wait!" He raised his hands defensively. "Don't take me in. I'm a Mandalorian, like you!"

"And purrgil don't fly through hyperspace," Oni rolled her gold eyes beneath her helmet.

"No, I swear. Look!" He rolled up his sleeve, revealing a signet tattooed onto his shoulder.

Oni's eyes widened in surprise. It looks like the one on Nakoa's vibroblade. That's the signet of Clan Ralius, she realized. "Who are you?" Oni moved closer and the man raised his hands again. She grabbed his wrists and cuffed him shortly.

"I'm Nevere. I worked for a Mandalorian."

"Working for a Mandalorian doesn't make you one. Who was he?"

"Feton Ralius. He sent me out here to search for a spy of ours. I was captured by the Empire and taken to Kessel."

"And now you're going back." She pondered over his words as they walked. Feton Ralius. Nakoa never mentioned him, but maybe he knows who he is.

"No, please listen to me. Feton sent that spy out here to monitor someone very dangerous. They disappeared, which is why he sent me. I have to find them. I've already lost a few weeks since I was stuck on Kessel."

"Who was the spy watching?"

"Another Mandalorian. Tarek Vizsla."

Oni froze, then jerked the man around. "Are you certain?" He nodded vigorously. "Where is Tarek now?"

"I don't know. He moves around a lot."

"What about Feton?"

"I don't know," he repeated. "Feton contacted me through a transmission. I've never seen his headquarters." Oni shoved him forward again. Ketei's ship appeared in the distance, right where she'd left it. "Please, you can't take me back!"

"I can and I will," Oni replied. "My Clan needs the credits. Don't worry. If your mission is that important, I'm sure Feton will send someone after you soon."

Fear filled the man's gaze and he fell silent. They reached the ship and Oni quickly secured him. She headed to the cockpit and started up the engines. They soared through the atmosphere and were soon in hyperspace.

Oni activated a transmission after checking on the man again. A hologram of Nakoa and Les appeared shortly. "Is everything all right?" Nakoa asked.

"The mission is going fine, but I just learned something you might be interested in," Oni replied. "This man worked for a Mandalorian named Feton Ralius. Do you know him?"

Nakoa nodded. "He was one of the heirs of my old Clan. He had a sister, Tai."

"I heard nothing about Tai, but apparently, Feton had sent a spy to Nal Hutta to monitor Tarek Vizsla."

Nakoa straightened immediately. "Does he know where Tarek is?"

"No, he doesn't even know where Feton is."

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