Faltering Morals

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Dathomir: 18 BBY
"Shrouded Claw"
Lesia Mirri

    "I don't understand." Manon walked back and forth, a confused expression on her face. "I'm doing all I can. Why are you not doing better?"

    Les shrugged and closed her burning eyes. Two days had gone by. She barely had any memory of what had happened throughout them. She didn't sleep. She could barely eat. Strange voices kept screaming at her.

    "I'm sorry, Les." Manon sat down beside her. "I'm trying my best."

    "I know. Thank you." Les knit her brows. "Why did you decide to help me?"

    "You reminded me of me. I don't want anyone to go through what I did when I nearly lost myself to my anger and rage. I thought that maybe with my experience, I could help you," Manon sighed.

    Les clenched her hands into fists. She was aching to hit something, but would not allow herself to. "I wish I knew what could help."

    "How did this start, anyway?"

    Les shook her head. "I've always struggled with anger and remorse thanks to the war. I had started to heal from that though." Manon gave her a prompting look. Les sighed and pursed her lips. "I was traveling with two Mandalorians from Corellia, Nakoa and Oni. Oni never really liked me, but Nakoa and I got along well."

    She drew in a steady breath, attempting to hold back her pent up anger. "I never told them I was a Jedi. You know how things are now. They were bounty hunters. If I had told them, chances are they might've turned me in to the Empire at that point. I meant to find a planet and some work, but I couldn't. Everywhere that wasn't under an Imperial occupancy had been touched by the Clone Wars and I couldn't bring myself to go to them."

    "Nakoa let me stay and we grew...close. Then, he found my lightsaber." She gritted her teeth, anger flaring up within her chest. "They didn't even give me a chance to explain myself. They threw me off the ship and left." Her head was throbbing again. Les took a few slow, deep breaths and the throbbing eased a bit.

    "And their betrayal sparked all of this?"

    "More or less."

    "I see." Manon clicked her golden talons together.

    Les shook her head angrily. Her lekku fell over her shoulder. "After everything I did for them...everything they did for me...I can't believe they'd abandon me like that."

    "It sounds to me like you're better off without them."

    "Maybe," Les growled. "Anyway, they'd better hope I don't see them for a good while." Manon gave her a sideways glance, but said nothing.

    Les stood and grabbed a datapad. She opened up the latest news articles, hoping to distract her mind. A headline caught her attention. Les opened the article and began to read. Her eyes widened in surprise.

    "What is it?" Manon asked.

    "Jedi Master Luminara Unduli is alive!" Les exclaimed. "She's been taken captive by the Empire and is being held on Stygeon Prime."


    "If you can't help me, maybe she can. She was a wise Jedi," Les explained.

    Manon nodded after a moment. "All right. Where exactly is she?"

    "She's being held in a prison called the Spire. I remember hearing about it during the war. Separatists used it. It's got very tight security."

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