Merciless Creed

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Geonosis: 18 BBY
Petranaki Arena
Nakoa Sen

Oni chucked the explosive at the gate. It detonated within seconds, blowing a hole in the wall and revealing the tunnels inside. The three of them ducked past the debris and continued on. Nakoa switched his helmet light on once more and flicked his rangefinder down. He scanned the tunnel for signs of life.

Above them, the ceiling shook. No doubt the Geonosians were angry with how the events in the arena had unfolded. They wouldn't have long to find Galaar and get away. Nakoa paused, another thought crossing his mind.

"Les," he called. She fell in step with him. "Can you get back to the Mythos and bring it near an outside entrance to the arena?"

Oni immediately began shaking her head. Les nodded, ignoring her. "I think I can find my way back to the ship. I remember the route we followed coming here."

"Be quick," Oni sighed.

"And be safe," Nakoa added. Lesia gave him a small smile before turning down another tunnel.

"I don't trust her," Oni said.

"Oni, you've said that millions of times ever since we met her."

"I have an actual reason this time."

"Share." Nakoa headed down another tunnel. He had spotted a thermal signature on his scanner. He was hoping it was Galaar and not another creature.

"This place holds some sort of significance to her, I can tell. So do the battle droids. I know she told you that she has bad memories concerning the war. I don't think she'll be able to get back to the ship without panicking or something."

Worry pricked at his mind, but Nakoa managed to push it away. "I know. I had thought of that too, but I know you wouldn't have wanted to go back."

"You could have."

"I don't trust you and Les alone together for that long. Besides, I wouldn't leave you to face this by yourself."

Nakoa turned down another tunnel. At the end of it lay a door. Oni quickly pried the control panel off the wall and began tweaking with some of the wiring. Moments later, the door screeched open, revealing Galaar.

He raised his head and his eyes widened, spying them. "You survived!"

"We did," Oni replied. She dropped down next to him and quickly deactivated his wrist and ankle cuffs. "We've got to get out of here before we're caught."

"Do you know where they took our weapons?" Nakoa asked.

Galaar nodded and stood, rubbing his wrists. "They're in the armory just down the hall." He took the lead.

"What did you do to make the Geonosians this angry with you?" Oni asked. "I thought you were just checking out something."

"I was. I heard the Empire was planning to build a weapon of some kind and that its development took place here."

"Did you find out what it was?"

"No. I tried to open some of their encrypted files and wound up captured." Guilt crossed his features once more.

Nakoa narrowed his eyes. "What happened to your armor?"

Galaar lifted a hesitant hand to his own cheek. "They took it. They were going to put me in the arena too, but for some reason, they didn't. I think they planned to hand me over to someone. I don't know who or why."

"It doesn't matter." Oni touched his arm gently. "You're alive."

But it does matter, Nakoa couldn't help but think. That means that there's someone who could be hunting Galaar. Why? He's not a bounty hunter like us. He just collects information from around the galaxy. Nakoa knit his brows. Unless, maybe he wasn't their main target. Whoever wanted him might have just wanted to use him as bait for someone else.

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