The Heir

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Nikana: 18 BBY
Hondo's Stronghold
Lesia Mirri

    Les led the way towards the camp's main compound. Several Weequays stopped and watched them approach. None spoke or tried to intercept them. Les glanced around warily. She was surprised to see that Hondo had already rebuilt two of the spice warehouses she'd destroyed.

    The compound doors hissed open and Hondo strode out, accompanied by an orange Twi'lek male. "Ah, I wondered if you would be back," Hondo chuckled. "What do you need?"

    "Information," Lesia replied.

    "Hm. What kind of information?" He stroked his chin, watching her. "Information can be dangerous these days."

    "I need to know where to find a certain Mandalorian."

    "What makes you think I know where he is? Ask the two you're traveling with." Hondo waved a dismissive hand and turned away.

    Les narrowed her eyes and chased after him. "They don't know where he is either. We need to find him. He knows where someone important is."

    "Someone important?"

    "Does the name Tarek Vizsla mean anything to you?"

    "Never heard of him." They entered the compound and Hondo swiped two drinks from a serving droid. He handed one to her and downed his own with ease.

    "What about Feton Ralius?" Les prompted.

    Hondo nearly spit his drink out. "If you know what's good for you, you won't go poking around for that one," he snapped.

    Nakoa and Oni shifted behind her uneasily. "What do you mean?" Les asked. She took a sip of her drink, after eyeing it cautiously.

    "He's a crime lord on Coruscant," Hondo explained. "Very good at what he does, considering his age." He drummed his fingers on a table. "I've had a few encounters with him. They didn't end well. He's a thief, that one."

    "You must be talking about the wrong Feton," Nakoa argued. "He was the heir to my old Clan. He couldn't be what you say he is."

    Hondo shrugged and grabbed another drink. "People change when they have to, Boy. You Mandalorians are no different. Why do you need to find him?" He directed the question back to Les.

    "He knows where Tarek Vizsla is. We're hunting for Tarek on a personal vendetta," she explained.

    "Ah, well, who am I to stand in the way of revenge?" Hondo laughed. "I can send you his coordinates, but I suggest you be wary around him."

    "Why?" Les handed him a holodisk. He input a set of coordinates and handed it back, then leaned towards her.

    "He likes Twi'leks," Hondo drawled. "And..." he dropped his voice to a whisper, "he hates Jedi."

    "Ugh." Lesia rolled her eyes. "I'm sure we can handle it."

    "I'm warning you, Lesia." Hondo lifted a finger to her chin, surprisingly serious for once. Nakoa took a step forward, but Les raised her hand and he paused. "You shouldn't trust him."

    "I'll keep that in mind." Les jerked her face away from him. "Come on." She brushed past Hondo with Oni hot on her heels.

Nikana: 18 BBY
Hondo's Stronghold
Nakoa Sen

    Nakoa remained still as Hondo watched Les and Oni leave. "Why shouldn't we trust Feton? I'd think he'd be more trustworthy than you."

    Hondo shot him a smirk. "You'd think that, of course, but don't forget that I have a heart. From what I've seen, Feton Ralius does not. If you want my advice..."

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