Strange Magicks

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Batuu: 18 BBY
Black Spire Outpost
Nakoa Sen

It was late in the afternoon on Batuu when they finally landed. Nakoa followed Oni off the ship and made sure to lock it down before they started towards the outpost. He cast his gaze up. A few clouds drifted through the blue sky. Batuu's black spires rose all around them.

Music played as they made their way through a bustling marketplace. Animals scampered around with young children chasing after them. A few droids hovered nearby as well.

"Where did Ketei say to look for the foundlings?" Oni asked. It was the first time she'd spoken to him since their argument.

"She never gave me a specific location," Nakoa replied. "We can split up and look around for a while."

Oni nodded. "I'll contact you if I find anyone."

Nakoa headed out of the marketplace. He spied a workshop nearby. A few broken speeders and droids sat in front of it. An older man crawled out from beneath a speeder. His eyes widened as he spotted Nakoa. The man waved him over.

Nakoa obeyed warily. His hand hovered over his blaster. "Yes?"

"You're a Mandalorian," the man said with a slight chuckle. "I never thought I'd see one of your kind out here."

"I'm here on business."

"That so?" The man grabbed a rag and wiped his hands off, then shook Nakoa's. "I'm Temian."

"Nice to meet you."

"What brings you all the way to Batuu?"

"I'm...searching for someone," Nakoa replied.

Temian raised an eyebrow. "You're a hunter, then?"

"Yes, but I'm not hunting someone. Just looking for them."

"What's the difference?"

"I won't be making a profit if I find them." Temian inclined his head and began straightening his tools. "Do you know if there are any orphans here?"

That caught the other man's attention. "Orphans? What do you want with them?" Temian narrowed his eyes and pointed a tool at Nakoa. "If you're here to take them as slaves or something, you'd best be leaving."

"No," Nakoa shook his head. "That's not why I'm here. I'm here to offer them a place in my Clan."

"Oh." Temian thought for a moment. "There are some. The Empire came through a while back and plundered another outpost a few days journey from here. Only a few people survived. They came here but I don't know where they are now."

"Is the Empire still here?"

"No, they left after that village was destroyed. I myself found it pretty unusual."

"That is odd," Nakoa murmured. "Well, thanks for your help."

Temian gave him a nod before returning his focus back to his work. Nakoa headed off with a sigh. That wasn't very helpful, he thought. I'll contact Ketei. He activated his jetpack and soared away from the outpost.

Nakoa landed on a ledge jutting out from one of the black spires. He sat down and watched the people below him for a moment. He held up his comm, then hesitated as he spied an unusual movement down below.

Nakoa flipped his rangefinder down and focused on the area the movement had come from. Two young children were slinking around by a vendor's cart. Suddenly, one of them grabbed a few loaves of bread and took off running. The vendor gave a shout and chased the child. The second child grabbed a broom and knocked it into the vendor's legs.

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